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TUESDAY, DLCTMER B, 19" <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />;.Vero Beach, at 10:00 0'®look, A. M., Tuesday, December 5, 1944, in regular meeting with the <br />following members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman, Albert 0, Helseth, S. E. <br />°Glover, G. E. Barkoskie and Frank C. Tinkers. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, <br />E. E. Carter, County Engineer and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The minutes of the <br />previous meetings were reed and approved. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Barkoskis and unani- <br />Aously carried, it was ordered the official bonds of the following designated officers be set <br />'!for the term beginning January 2, 1945; to-witi 'Tax Collector $10,000.00, Clerk Circuit Court <br />';2,000.00, Sheriff $2,000.00. <br />Surety Bond for Troy E. Moody,, Tag Collector, in the sum of $10,000.00 with U. S. <br />Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland as surety, was ,approved. <br />Surety Bond for Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, in the sum of.$2,000.00 with U4 <br />.. <br />. , .. it <br />ilidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland as surety, was approved. <br />Surety Bond for Otis M. Cobb, County Judge, in the sum of $2,000.00 with U. S. rideli-j <br />''ty and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland as surety, was approved. ;I <br />i <br />Surety Bond for W. R. Dunoan, Tax Assessor, in the sum of $1,000.00 with II ::S. Eideli-j <br />."ty.and Guaranty Company of Baltimore,. Maryland as surety, was apProved.. <br />Surety Bond for Ruth D. Schumann (Mrs. Z. J.) as member o.f the County Board. of Public <br />Instruction District #2, in the sum of $2,000.00 with U. S. Fidelity and.. -Guaranty Company of l <br />Baltimore, Maryland as surety, was approved. <br />Surety Bond for Albert 0. Helseth, Member of the Board of County Commissioners from.. <br />District 5, in the sum of $2,000.00 with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore... <br />!Maryland as surety, was approved. <br />Surety Bond for S. E. Glover, Member of the board of County Commissioners from Dia- <br />trict # 3 in the sum of $2,000.00 with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Mary-. <br />land as surety, was approved. ,! <br />; <br />Surety Bond for Hamilton H.. Floyd, Justioe of the Peace in and for District #5, in thel <br />sum of $500.00 with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland as surety, was <br />:,approved. <br />Deputy Sheriffts Bond for F. ,L. Wood Yellsmere. Florida in the sum of $19000.00 <br />with W. A. Siewert and Ernest H. Everett as surety.,,was approved. �I <br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was sutborized-to file e.bidl ..of complaint in behalf <br />of the Hoard of County Commissioners on county lands to be acquired for delinquent taxes now. - <br />'on certificates which were issued July 319 1942. <br />. c <br />Alice Hellesa�, County Nurse, appeared before the Board and made a report of her act-k <br />j, <br />'ivities for the month of November as follows, to -wit: <br />Monthly Report of County Nurse for November 1944 <br />No. of Welfare Cages carried this month 15 <br />No. of Visits to Welfare Cases 14 <br />No. of Visits in Behalf of Welfare Cases 14 <br />No. of Children attending Crippled Children's Clinic, Orlando 5 <br />No. of Visits to Crippled Children 14 <br />i <br />No. of Visits to Tuberculosis Patients 17 <br />No. of Patients having Chest X-rays 2 <br />No. of Children treated. for Ear Defects 1 <br />No. of Children Tonsils removed 1 <br />