<br />. he Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, February 6, 1945, in regular meeting with the
<br />• .Chairman, -
<br />following members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr./,. Albert O. Helseth, S. E. Glover,
<br />Frank C. Vickers and R. W. Graves, Also present were. Char les A. Mitchell, Att orneg, E. E.
<br />Carter, County Engineer and Douglas Baker Clerk.
<br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
<br />*Deeds numbered 40 to 53 both inclusive were issued by the Board covering county
<br />lands acquired for delinquent taxes.
<br />Douslss Baker, Clerk was instructed to deliver caslt in the arm of 199.90 to L. J.
<br />Rehberg, said sum representing proceeds of the sale of frust obtained from Biock 2 (less 3
<br />259.64 ft) Replat of Hiko Park S/D. L. J. Rehberg applied fora deed for this land aid the
<br />same was issued subject t� the following resolution: It is ordered by the Board that a re-
<br />fund be made to Mr. Rehberg covering the 70 feet, which. is to be dedicated from this' land by
<br />- street -
<br />the Board to the, -City of Vero Beach for City/purposes. .It was determined by the, County En -
<br />E. E. Carter -
<br />gineer/and the City Engineer,- Harry Damerow that the sum of eieB be refunded to Mr. L. J.
<br />Eehberg. _
<br />Albert di Helseth offered the following Resolution and moved ' ite 'adoption:
<br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter ,22079 of the la*s of Florida, Indian
<br />River County, Florida, has acquired title to the lands hereinafter described! e and the City
<br />Council of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, being the -governing body of such municipality, and
<br />being a public board of said county, has concurred in and requested, by proper resolution, the
<br />dedication to public use and purpose of the lands hereinafter described by the Board of County,
<br />Commissioners of said county; and the same having been:duly considered by said Board of County.
<br />Commissioners; therefore;
<br />BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board ,of County Commissioners of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, does ,hereby dedicate -to public use and purposes' the lands hereinafter described, sit-
<br />uated in Indian River County, Florida, to -wit:
<br />Begin 259.64 feet North of the Southeast corner of Block 2 of the re -plat OfAlik0
<br />Park Subdivision, as per such re -plat recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 13, in' the Office of,
<br />'the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida; thence run"Vest to a. point in
<br />the West boundary line of said Block 2, and which point is 255.05 feet North of the Southwest
<br />corner of said Biock 2; thence run North a distance of 70 feet alongthe-saidwest boundary
<br />line of said Block 2; thence run East and parallel to the first described line (being the South
<br />boundary line of this description) to the East boundary line. bf . sai d Block 2; thence run ,South
<br />70 feet along the East boundary line of said Block 2 to the point of beginning.
<br />The property herewith described being the sane property and area as is represented
<br />by public street designated as.20th Plate on the original plat . of Hiko Park Subdivision,' as
<br />per such plat recorded in Plat Book 1, at page 79, in the' office of the Clerk Ofthe Circuit
<br />Court of Indian River County, Florida, said property. to, be used for public street purposes.
<br />. BE IT FURi'HER RESOLVED, that said lands shall not hereafter be assessed for'taxes soil
<br />long as the same remain dedicated or devoted to public use; and that a certified copy of this
<br />Resolution be delivered to the County Assessor of Taxes, of. said County, in order that he may
<br />so exempt said lands from Taxes; and that a certified copy I reof be delivered to the City Tax`I
<br />Assessor of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, in order that he may so exempt said property from!
<br />taxes. -
<br />