<br />L
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board then
<br />adjourned,
<br />FBIDAY APRIL 13,. 1.94
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, at 2:04 o'clock P. M., Friday, April 13, 1945, in special meeting with the following
<br />members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, 3r., Chairman; S. E. Glover and Olbert 0. Helseth,
<br />Absent were R. W. Graves and Frank C. Vickers. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney,
<br />and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announoed this meeting was called for the purpose of considering liquor
<br />license eppltostion and such other business as might be properly brought before this board.
<br />Application of Royal Park Golfers Association, Incorporated (d. R. Graves, President)
<br />Royal Park Golf Club, Vero Beaob, Florida, for a license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines
<br />and beer was inspected and after carefully considering the same, on motion made, seconded and
<br />carried the same was approved .
<br />There being no further business an motion made, seconded and carried, the board then
<br />adjourned.
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<br />=BUY MAY 1 1913
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court Haase to
<br />Vero Beach, et 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, May 1, 1945, in regular meeting with the tolloWLng
<br />members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman;_ Frank C. Vickers, Albert 0. He1seth,
<br />, S. E. Glover and R. W. Graves. Also present were L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; E. E. Carter, County
<br />Engineer; Charles P. Diamond of the Firm of Mitchell, Smith & Mitchell, Attorney; end Douglas
<br />Baker, Clerk.
<br />Minutes of the previous ;meetings were read end approved.
<br />Mr. Hubert Graves of Wabaaso, Florida, representing numerous of citizens end taxpayers
<br />of that area, appeared before the Board and requested the rebuilding of the Webasso road from
<br />Webasso West to the Fellsrnere road and one mile South of Lateral A road whioh is approximately
<br />four and ones -fourth miles. Mr. Graves called attention to the fact of this being one of the
<br />most important roads in the County over which a trewendoua amount of business is transacted.
<br />Hey further stated that there was approximately 1,460 sores of citrus groves of which 615 is
<br />now bearing and produces apprCxirnately 164,000 boxes of fruit to be hauled over the rood hereto°
<br />-fore. mentioned. Mr. Graves further stated that there was approximately 3.05 white people and
<br />406 nsgroes in the area of this road and that it had simply been patched from, time to tine or
<br />temporarily repaired for the past eight or tan years also that this type of road was hard on
<br />equipment. Mt. Graves stated that his company would contribute the sum of $5,000.00 towerd4
<br />the cost of rebuilding the reed and that the said sum would be delivered to the Board of County.
<br />Commissioners in the near future to be held by them until such time as the aatuel construction
<br />of the road begins and then this sum to be used towards the oost of rebuilding.
<br />The foregoing request by Mr. Graves brought on additional consideration as to roads
<br />needed to be rebuilt within the county. It was moved by Commissioners Heleeth, seconded by
<br />Commissioner R. W. Graves and adopted that the following roads be placed on the County's pre. -
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