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SPEC. RD. & BR: DIST. NO. 4 REFUNDING <br />EXPENSE <br />TAX COLLECTOR'S ACCOUNT - Undistributed <br />funds <br />CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - Tax <br />Redemption Funds <br />• <br />DOUGLAS BAKER CLERK COUNTY LANDS <br />ACQUIRED FOR DELINQUENT TAXES <br />The Depository Bond set at the sum of $50,000.00 to consist only of U. S. Government <br />bonds or securities. <br />The Board authorized Attorney Mitchell and County Engineer Carter to prepare" otioe <br />inviting bids on Road and Bridge equipment to be purchased as follows: <br />One 800 or 1000 gallon asphalt distributor With 20 foot spray bars, heating and <br />power units mounted on suitable truck equipped with reinforced frame and overdrive. <br />One 8 to 10 ton three sheel road roller with ample overtaping rolls (alternate bids <br />will be entertained on tandom road roller of approximately same weight). <br />One self -powered soil stabilizing mixer of the Pul-vi-mixer type, equipped for both <br />soil stabilization and bituminous mix pavement with altime width of approximately six feet. <br />Three 1 ton, long wheel base trucks equipPed with cab, dual wheels and power take- <br />off units. <br />•Three Steel frame hydraulic dump bodies for long wheel base lis ton truck. <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to prepare figures and information on the <br />proposed 1945-1946 County Budget to submit to the Board at a Special Meeting to be held at <br />June <br />2 o'clock P. Saturday/23, 1945. <br />It was moved by Albert O. Helseth, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and unanimously <br />carried, that the Vero Beach Press Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, published in <br />Indian River County, Florida, and which newspaper has been continuously published in said <br />County for a period of more year prior to this date, be and it is hereby selected and <br /> the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County as the newspaper in <br />which shall be published the list of lands to be advertised and Sold by the Tax Collector of <br />Indian River County and which selection is required trader the provisions of Section 969 Com- <br />piled General Laws of Florida; and that said newspaper be designated Epp the publication of <br />such other legal notices as may be required to be designated by said Board of County Com 1., !..-:� <br />missioners. <br />The Vero Beach Press Journal was designated as the newspaper in which. the Laws of <br />Regular Session, Florida Legislature. 1945 are to be published. <br />Present at this meeting were G. D. Young as Mayor and Chief Executive Officer of the <br />City of Fellsmere; J. M.Bssa:ington, as President of the City Council and Head of the Legisla- <br />tive of the City of Fellsmere, and Mrs. Ida G. Dixon, as Tax Assessor of the City of Fellsmere <br />The Board of County Commissioners and the above designated and described officials <br />of said municipality of Fellsmere then entered into a discussion of the price of each parcel <br />of land to be fixed in connection with the sale thereof under provisions of Chapter 22079, <br />such land described in Final Decree entered in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, <br />Florida on the 16 day of April, 1945 and described as follows: Town -of Fellsmere (Plat Book <br />2, pp. 3 & 4, Records of St. Lucie County) Lots 9 & 10, Block 116, Value set by Board $50.00. <br />The Board of County Commissioners and said designated officials of the City Of <br />Fellsmere unanimously and jointly determined and agreed that the price of all such land <br />situated within the corporate limits of the City of Fellsmere should be 50% of the amount of <br />the last assessed valuation appearing on the County Tax Roll. <br />Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted, the Board adjourned to meet in the next <br />regular session on July 3, 1945, and to meet in special session as equalization board, as pro <br />vided by law on July 2, 45. <br />ATTEST: ,/ <br />CLERK 424-7 <br />