The Board of County Commissioners
<br />Vero Beach, at 3:00 o'clock P. M. Saturday,
<br />SATURDAY JUNE 16, 1945.
<br />of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />June 16, 1945, in Special Meeting with the follow :•
<br />ing members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman, Albert O. Helseth, S. E. Glover)
<br />and Frank C. Vickers. Absent R. W. Graves. Also present were Charles A..Mitchell, Atty., L.
<br />B. O'Steen, Sheriff, E. E. Carter, County Engineer, and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announced this meeting was called for the purpose of discussing second-
<br />ary roads as referred toxin letter of June 5, 1945, from the State Road Department of Florida,
<br />said letter signed by F. E. Bayless, Chairman.
<br />Map was presented, as prepared by County Engineer Carter, showing County secondary
<br />roads approximating 100 miles. Upon motion of Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Vickers and Carried, this map was approved and ordered forwarded to the State Road Department
<br />as indicating secondary road system of Indian River County recommended to participate in
<br />Federal and State aid for secondary roads.
<br />Lt. Craig, public works officer from Naval Air Station, appeared before the Board and
<br />requested County to participate in completing road from State Road 30 to Blue Cypress Lake.
<br />Commissioners expressed willingness to do so upon being assured of access to the lake over the
<br />Holman property and which assurance would be represented by outright conveyance to the County
<br />of a suitable Right -of -Way over the Holman property.
<br />Discussion was held as to the rental of County Road and Bridge equipment. Upon
<br />motion made by Commissioner Glover, seconded by Commissioner Helseth and carried, the Board
<br />agreed they would not rent the County Motor -Patrol.
<br />Upon motion made by Commissioner Glover, seconded by Commissioner Helseth, the Board
<br />agreed to rent the County. Bulldozer at $6..00' per hoiir • at 'a iltimum ptice of $50.00 for any one
<br />job. Time starts when the equipment leaves the County Barn until such time as it is returned
<br />to the County Barn.
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Vickers, the Board
<br />agreed to rent the County Dragline at a minimum price of $60.00 per day. Time starts when the
<br />equipment leaves the County Barn until such equipment is returned to the County Barn. It is
<br />agreed and understood that any of the foregoing property rented shall be operated by County
<br />Employees only.
<br />There being no further business the Board then adjourned until 2:00 o'clock P. M.
<br />Saturday June 23, 1945.
<br />,SATURDAY JUNE 23, 1945
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero. Beach, at 2:00 P. M. Saturday June 23, 1945, in regular adjourned meeting with the follow -1
<br />ingmembers of the Board
<br />present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Frank C. Vickers,.,Albert,-0
<br />Helseth, and S. E. Glover. Absent R. W. Graves. Also present were L. B. O'.Steen, Sheriff,
<br />H. J. Midgett, President Florida -Georgia Tractor Co., Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, and
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announced,this meeting was called for the purpose of receiving bids on
<br />Road and Bridge items of equipment, also for the purpose of discussing the proposed Budget for
<br />the year 1945-1946 together with any other business that mwghtt be•(properly brought before this
<br />Board.
<br />