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Last modified
9/12/2018 9:54:51 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 1:23:15 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1945 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., Tuesday, December 4, 1945, in regular meeting with the <br />following members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman, Frank C. Vickers, <br />graves and and Albert Q...Helseth. Absent S. EiGlover.Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorneys <br />B. E. Carter, County Engineer, L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />Notary Public Bond in the sum of $500.00 for Bertha A. Haffield with the Amerinan_,Sure- <br />ty Company of New York as surety was approved November 201 1945. <br />Application of Dr. E. B. Hardee for admission to the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium in <br />'Orlando was approved. <br />;:'It was ordered that Mrs. Wesley Stevens receive a grocery order in the sum of $30.00 <br />hper month until further order of the Board. <br />Tom W. Cobb, County Service Officer, appeared before the Board and made a report of <br />his activities for the month of November. <br />Warren T. Zeuch, Dale Talbert and John M. Knight appeared before the Board represent- <br />ing Indian River Fire Protective Association stating that they could no longer handle the fire <br />problem' because they were to big and these representatives appealed to the Board to try and <br />work out e,n...e maw in which. the County could over the assetw such as, ..11 equipment and <br />�I <br />approximately $1,500.00 in cash. After considerable discussion it was moved by R. W. Graves, <br />seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried that the County Commissioners express themselves favor- <br />ably inclined to the working out of an arrangement for taking over fire veryentions and provi- <br />sion of .fire_flghting facilities from Fire Protective Association and making same available to <br />entire County and that the Chairman appoint a committee to investigate the matter and make re- <br />port to the Board. <br />Chairman Graves, pursuant to the foregoing motion, appointed Commissioner R. W. Graves,l <br />;and Commissioner Albert 0. Helseth and County Engineer E. E. Carter to serve with him on the <br />committee. <br />County Agent, Marcel A. Boudet, appeared before the Board and inquired if the Board <br />was interested in obtaining a County booth at the Tampa and Orlando Fairs. Douglas Baker, <br />Clerk, was instructed to write American Fruit Growers and Graves Brothers Company at Wabasso <br />requesting their opinion and wishes regarding a County booth and the matter to be decided upon <br />? <br />their reaction. <br />Chairman Graves appointed E. E. Carter, County Engineer, and Charles A. Mitchell, At- <br />,torney, to serve with him on a committee for the purpose of contacting an architect to obtain <br />plans as to remodeling the present Jail or building a new one. <br />Notary Public Bond for Ernest H. Everett in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety <br />Company of New York as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court as provided by <br />slaw. <br />Alice Helleso, County Nurse, appeared before the Board and made a verbal and written <br />dreport of her activities for the month of November. Said written report being on file in the <br />Clerk's office. <br />Pursuant to resolution adopted by the City of Fellsmere held on the <br />day of Novembe4 <br />11945, and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Public Instruction of Indian River <br />County, on the first day of November, 1945, regarding lots 3 and 10 in Block 96 of the Town of <br />!Fellsmere and the said resolution being on file in the Clerk's office . The following resolu- <br />tion resolution was adopted by the Board. <br />RESOLUTION DEDICATING LAND TO BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION <br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Frank C. Vickers who moved it <br />
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