<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, Florida, at 10:00 e!clock,A. M., Monday, September 91 1946, in special meeting with,'.
<br />the following members present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; S. E. Glover, and R. W. Graves.
<br />Absent: Frank C. Vickers and Albert.O. Helseth. Also present was -Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
<br />Application of Robert B. LeBase (Connecticut Motor Court), east of the Dixie highway
<br />and south of Wabasso, for a license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines and beer(Series 7*
<br />made,
<br />was inspected,and after carefully considering the same, on motion/seconded and carried, !f
<br />r,,'the same was approved.
<br />Application of Stuart E. Glover (Gifford Liquor Stbre), Gifford, Florida, for a
<br />°license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines and beer (Series 7* C.O.P.) was inspected, and after
<br />ncarefully considering the same, on motion made, secondedl and carried, the same was approved.
<br />�! Notary Public Bond for R. S. Swing in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety Company
<br />i
<br />!!of New York as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit -Court, as•provided bylaw
<br />September 9, 1946.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board then
<br />1'
<br />adjourned.
<br />/. CHAIRMAN
<br />'I ATTE :
<br />I'
<br />'CLERK
<br />r----------A----s-----v�------------r-------sa---- -----e--- -----r----f--
<br />T UH�SDAY3 SEPTMOBER 268 1946s
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, Florida, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. , Thursday, September 26, 1946, in special meeting
<br />With the following members of the Beard presents W.C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; S. E. Glover,
<br />I
<br />:and R. W. Graves. Absent: Frank C. Vickers and Albert 0. Helseth. Also present wase -;Douglas
<br />'Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
<br />Application of Elbert Knight (Greenleaf Bar) 3/4 mile west just south of North
<br />r
<br />Gifford road, Gifford, Florida, for a license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines and beer
<br />( Series 7*"C.O.P.) was inspected, and after carefully considering the same, on motion made,
<br />;seconded, and carried, the same was approved.
<br />Notary Public Bond for Marion S. Markham in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety
<br />,Company of New York as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, as provided
<br />p; by law September 10, 1946. l
<br />Notary Public Bond for J. W. Boring in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety Com-
<br />E!pany of New York as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, September 16,
<br />1946.
<br />Notary Public Bond for A. S. Murphy in the sum of $500.00 with U. S. Fidelity &
<br />;. Guaranty Company of New York was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, as provided
<br />l''by law on September 21, 1946.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then
<br />adjourned.
<br />q CHAIRMAN
<br />AT"T99
<br />0
<br />1
<br />0
<br />1
<br />0
<br />1
<br />0
<br />