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open for the extra 6 months. <br />Director Brown said the proposed plan was based on keeping the pool open 45 hours a week from <br />October through March. He reported that it would cost an estimated $87,000 per year to open the <br />Gifford Aquatic Center from October through April, with anticipated revenues about $6,000, and <br />a net cost of approximately $81,000. <br />Discussion ensued on what the utilization rate of the pool would be if it remains open for the <br />additional time, since most swimming lessons are held during the summer. <br />Chairman O'Bryan suggested adjusting the summer pool schedule hours to incorporate the <br />proposed activities schedule and build up demand for the pool. <br />Crystal Bujol, 8 Vista Gardens Trail, urged the Board to keep the pool open for the additional 6 <br />months so the programs can continue without interruption. <br />Frank Pepe, 6020 46`h Lane, asked the Board to keep the pool open and give the citizens a chance <br />to prove that they will take advantage of the extended hours at the Gifford Aquatic Center. <br />Wilford Hart, 617 19th Pl. SW, discussed the importance of keeping the pool open. <br />Sally Cooper, 1339 Damask Lane, Sebastian, described the events at the pool and urged the Board <br />to keep it open all year. <br />Commissioner Solari stated that he said he was willing to keep the facility open year-round for one <br />year if the community makes a commitment to use the pool and provide statistics on its usage. <br />Chairman O'Bryan suggested initiating GACC's proposed schedule on September 15 for three <br />months, and revisiting the matter in December. <br />Mr. Gibson and Ms. Bujol reiterated the need to keep the pool open year-round. <br />Chairman O'Bryan opined that the citizens would be most successful if they initiated their <br />programs next summer, when more people go to the pool. <br />6:43 p.m. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED <br />by Vice Chairman Davis, to leave the Gifford Aquatic Center <br />open year-round, with the caveat that the community will report <br />back to the Board with attendance records collected during that <br />time period. <br />2014-2015 Preliminary Budget Hearing Page 5 <br />September 10, 2014 <br />