Ir solemnly swear, or affirm, that the statements contained herein in support of my application
<br />for issuance of duplicate Tax Sale Certificates, are true and correct, So help me God.
<br />ii Wi.tnessess s
<br />I":
<br />337
<br />There being no further business or motion made, seconded, or carried, the Board
<br />`'then adjourned.
<br />ATTWT j
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<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, Florida at 11s45 A. Not April 179 1947, in'special meeting with the following
<br />imembers of the Board presents W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Albert 0. Helseth, and S. B. Glover
<br />Absents J. L. Helpling and Frank C. Vickers. .also present'were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney;I'
<br />Z. S. Carter, Ccuftt7 Engineer; and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />I,
<br />The Chairman announced this meeting was called for the purpose of receiving appli-
<br />i
<br />cation to issue duplicate tax sales certificates for Thad H. Carlton and to transact otbar bust
<br />,
<br />•
<br />;ness as may be properly brought before this Board.
<br />i
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Glover, and urian-
<br />imously carried, the following application was approved.
<br />G'rentlemen:
<br />I, Thad H 'Carlton, of the County of St. Lucie, State of Florida, being the owner
<br />of Tax Sale Certificates No. 518-520-521-522-524-526-528-5299 and 5319 dated the 5th day of
<br />July 1926, in the sum of $74e88, and tax certificates No. 4603-4605.1+610--1+611--4613-4615-46214-
<br />!4622 and 4624 dated September 4, 1933, in the sum of $1124920, covering the following descjr bed
<br />'property, to-wits pd
<br />All of Sections 2,4,9,10,12,14,21,22 & 24 in Township 33 South, Rauge 37 East.
<br />,hereby make application to your Honorable Body to issue duplicate Tax Sale Certificates in
<br />illieu of the originals described herein for the following reasonss
<br />(1) That said Tag Sale Certificates were purchased by W. H. Crosby, under the
<br />;Murphy Act and duly assigned to me on the 8th day of April, 1939-
<br />(2) That said,Tax Sale Certificates wr any interest therein, have not been hypothe4
<br />caned, sold, assigned, transferred or delivered by me and I 'have received no consideration a!
<br />'i therefor.
<br />i'
<br />(3) That said Tax Sale Certificates have been lost or destroyed and that I have
<br />,made diligent search and am unable to locate-said certificates
<br />(4)" That if duplicate Certificates are issued in lieu thereof and the originals
<br />,I' shoal at an tim be 1oc►eted the name vill be surr t
<br />d e. surrendered to he Clerk of the Circuit Court:
<br />I y ,
<br />of Indian River ounty for cancellation.
<br />(5) That.IThad H. Carlton, as a further consideration acknowledge myself held and
<br />firmly bound unto Douglas Baker, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian*River County, and his
<br />successors in office, in the sum of $23984,-,169 being double the amount of the face value of said
<br />')fax Certificates, for payment whereof well and truly to be made, I bind myself, heirs, executormll
<br />land administrators firmly by these presents should said Certificates be presented by any person:
<br />!;whomsoever, assigned or otherwise, for payment application for Toa Deed thereon.
<br />�','',
<br />Ir solemnly swear, or affirm, that the statements contained herein in support of my application
<br />for issuance of duplicate Tax Sale Certificates, are true and correct, So help me God.
<br />ii Wi.tnessess s
<br />I":
<br />