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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:35:37 AM
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6/9/2015 1:37:38 PM
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hof beginning of this description; thence run West a distance of 60 feet to the point of begin- Ii <br />ning. Said property herewith conveyed being a strip of land 60 feet in width (in an East and IN <br />West direction). Said land lying in Township 32 South, Range 36 East. <br />and proposes to construct a grade for public road upon and over Parcel 3, and upon and over the <br />(South past of Parcels 1 and 29'and which public road grade as constructed upon and over Parcels <br />la; and 2 shall be adjacent to the South boundary line of said Parcels 1 and 2; now, in consid- <br />leration of the mutual. covenants herein contained, the said parties do agree as followss <br />The County, as reasonably promptly as it may secure labor, materials and equipment <br />for such purpose, shall construct a road grade upon and over the above described Parcel 3, and <br />running from the South boundary line to the North boundary line of said Pakeel. Said road <br />grade shall have a top width'of approximately 30 feet, and shall be constructed along the <br />*esterly side of said Parcel 3. Said road grade shall contain a dike along the Westerly side <br />tlthereof of such height as to prevent flood waters from lands West thereof flowing over said <br />, <br />dike and road grade onto the Holman property immediately East thereof. A ditch shall be pro- <br />ivided along the East side of said road and the Easterly portion of said parcel 3 for the full <br />J length of said road. When "said ditch shall be constructed, surface waterson the lands of <br />iHolman lying East of said parcel 3, shall be permitted to drain into such ditch. <br />The County shall likewises as materials' labor and equipment are reasonably availableq�� <br />jlconstruct a similar road on Parcels 1 and 29 and al ong, and adjacent to the entire length of the <br />ISouth boundary line of said Parcels 1 and 2, and which road grade so constructed shall in <br />,I - <br />effect serve as a dike of sufficient height to prevent flood waters from the lands Forth there• <br />,i <br />y!,of from flowing on lands owned by Holman and immediately South of said parcels 1 and 2. A <br />lliditch shall be provided along the South side of said road grade in parcels 1 and 2, said ditch <br />i,lmay be made on the lands owned by. Holman and said -ditch shall be a continuation of and connectedll <br />Alto the North-South ditch in parcel. 3. Said ditch shall not d 2S ft in and, the <br />y; exceed een w�#oil therefrom may be used by the County in constructing said road grade and dike• <br />Holman shall have the join and connect a dike to the South side of the <br />11�road grade running along the South boundary of parcels 1 and 2 at such point . as he may determine <br />(along the Easterly portion of said road grade and which dike so joined and connected by Holman 9 <br />Ahall run South from said road grade and to and upon the property of Holman. <br />The County in constructing the road .grade in parcel 3 at the South end thereof shall I <br />Ido so in such manner that the elevation of the road grade intersecting and crossing the Range <br />'i <br />{dine between Manges 35 and 36 East shall be of sufficient height to prevent flood waters from <br />�f:.owing from the lands to the iffiest thereof on and over said road grade onto the lands of 961man, Illi <br />immediately East thereof. At the time of constructing said road grade and dike the Ccunty shall <br />ove the fence now existing along the West side of parcel 3 to the East side thereof and place <br />same in as good condition as same now is. <br />Promptly and within thirty days after the said County shall have constructed said <br />oad grade, dike and ditch upon parcels 1, 2 and 3, as herein provided, the said.Holman shall <br />I�pay to the said County at the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County, <br />,i <br />lorida, in Vero Beach, Florida, the sum of $1,000.00 cash, and thereupon this Agreement shall be <br />deemed as fuXly consumated by the parties hereto. �I <br />the day <br />IN WITNESIS WHEREOF, This instrument has been executed at hero Beach, Florida, <br />year first above written. <br />(COliXO . SEAL) <br />.ed,sealed and delivered in the presence of: <br />!Virginia Nye <br />G. Shi.pner <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />By <br />We G' Gr v s r <br />Chairman, Board,of County Com- <br />missioners <br />ii <br />Attest Dougll'� <br />W, <br />Clerk Circuit Court =a 3 ExOfficio <br />Clerk of Board of County Commiss- <br />ioners. <br />Holman (SRAL) <br />n <br />1 <br />E <br />1 <br />• <br />1 <br />0 <br />F <br />
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