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0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />• <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />bleachers, etc. to be ere'ctecl on the Winter Beach school grounds for the baseball park. On <br />(motion made by Commissioner Glover$ seconded by Commissioner Helseth and unanimously carried, <br />said request was granted subject to the supervision of E. E. Carter$ County Engineer. <br />i,,ts54 A. Martell appeared before the Board and explained the bad dondition of the <br />penninsula road north from Wabasso to the north line of A. J. Byrd's property stating that pro- <br />perty and groves in this, area were owned by Mr. Vincentq Deerfield Groves Company, and DAlbora,' <br />Mr. Martell explained the marl which had been placed on the road had been cut to pieces and <br />subsequently washed away Making said road almost impassable in places. Mr- Martell <br />further stated that if the County's financial condition would not permit the expenditure of <br />approximately $614&1.-_000 which was estimated by County Engineer' E. E. Carter as the cost of <br />repairing said road, that the interested property owners would make arrangements to f mance_ the. <br />required amount of money with the underst4nding that same would be refunded to theme upon the, <br />proper agreement and terms being completedg in order that the work 2a be done as early or as <br />soon as possible. Douglas Baker' Clerk9was instructed to write the letter to Mr- Martell ad - <br />wising the Board was favorable with regard to such a proposal and perhaps the work eould be <br />started in the early summer of 1948. <br />Mrs. S. B. Taylor, Mrs. Stanley Busse and Mrs. Warren Zeuch appeared before the <br />Board as a committee representing the Vero Beach library and requested the sum of $500.00 for <br />the purpose of purchasing new books and to assist in the cost of maintaining the library. The <br />Board authorized payment of $250.00 to the library which had been appropriated in the 1946-19471 <br />budget and advised the Committee an additional $250.00 would be appropriated in the 1947-1948 <br />budget. <br />Replat No- 3 of the Riomar Subdivision which bad been approved by the City of Vero <br />Beach was presented to the Board and on motion made by Commissioner Glovers seconded by Com- <br />missioner,Helseth an¢ unanimously caiiried' same was approved for filing in the Clerk's office. <br />The Indian River Citrus Bank and the First Federal Savings & Loan Associations Vero <br />Beach' Florida, having filed proper application, request to b3 named and designated County de- <br />pository for the year 1947-1948 and on motion made by Commissioner Helsetha seconded by Com- <br />';', missioner Glover and carried' it was ordered such Bank and such Savings & Loan Associations be <br />!A designated as the County Depository for the following funds s <br />GENERAL REVENUE 7UND <br />:; _il _" �11_i1fl <br />FINE AND FORFEITURE FUND <br />MOTHER'S PENSION FUND <br />SPECIAL RD. & BR. DIST. NO. 1 MAIN. <br />COURT HOUSE BONDS SINKING FUND <br />VERO BRIDGE 1XSTRICT <br />QUAY BRIDGE DISTRICT <br />WABASSO BRIDGE DISTRICT <br />CU TSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS FUND <br />DOUGLAS BAKER,AS CLERK CT. CT. (Proceeds of INTEREST & SIDING FUND <br />Bonds & coupons received in payment of Taxes) <br />COUNTY OFFICERS'. EXCESS FEE FUM <br />SPEC. RD. & BR.DIST.NO.4 REFUNDING EXPENSE <br />CLERK OF THE CIRCU32 COURT -Tax <br />TAX COLLECTOR'S'ACCOUNT-Undistributed funds Redemption Fps <br />DOUGLAS BAKER CLERK COUNTY LAIRS A CQ <br />FOR DELINQUENT TAXES <br />$1r 000000 e <br />The Depository Pond set at the sum of/ to consist only of U. S. Government <br />1,bonds or securities. <br />Alice Helleso' County Nurse, appeared before the Board and submitted a report of her <br />activities for the month of May,1947; said report was ordered filed with the Clerk. Mrs. Hel- <br />jleso also discussed various welfare cases- <br />Application of a. A. Stevens for admission tbo:,the State Tuberculosis Sanitorium <br />I <br />was approved. `!. <br />M. A. Boudet , County Agent, submitted a report of his activities for the month of <br />('May and same was.ordered filed with the Clerk. <br />