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E <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />�I <br />U <br />359 <br />TUESDAYS JULY 1l 1947. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />Vero'Beach, Florida, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, July 1, 1947, in regular meeting with <br />,the following members of the Board presents W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Albert 0. Helseth, <br />S. E. Glover, and J. L. Helpling. Absent: Frank C. Vickers. Also present were C. P. Diamond, <br />attorney from the firm of Mitchell, Smith & Mitchell; E. E. Carter, County Engineer; L. B. <br />O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved E r: ... ....... <br />It was ordered Mary Bryant (White), Gifford, Florida, be replaced on the Welfare <br />list to receive the sum of $5.50 per month from the General Revenue Fund until the further <br />orders of the Board. <br />The Board authorized grocery order in the sum of $6.00 per week for Rosco Chapman <br />and family until further ordered. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Glover, seconded by Commissioner Helpling and unan- <br />imously carried, the Board advised Sheriff L. B. O'Steen that the closing hours for all places <br />of business selling intoxicating liquors, wines and beer out side of the corporate limits <br />municipality and within Indian River County would be 12:00 at night. <br />Douglas Baker,. Clerk, announced he had received the additional sum of $5,900.00 race <br />track funds,and on motion made by Commissioner Helseth seconded by Commissioner Glover and un- <br />animously carried the Clerk was instructed to deposit same in the Road and Bridge Fund of <br />Indian River County, <br />County Deeds Nos. 271 and 272 were executed by the Board as provided by law under <br />Chapter 22079, Acts of 1943. <br />Application for license (Series 7* COP) to sell intoxicating liquors, wines, and <br />again <br />beer was/presented by Allton Kitching for the Paradise Inn located on South Emerson Avenue was <br />agaia-P§484=4 4 -to the Roard after having been previously being presented on May a), 1947, and <br />on June 3�,�94?s and after carefully, caonsidering the same,on motion made, seconded and carried <br />said application was disapproved by Teason of population under Chapter 23746, Laws of Florida. <br />Application for license (Series 7* COP) to sell intoxicating liquors, wines, and beer <br />was presented by James Walter Turner to be located on E 5 Acres of Tract 89 3-33-38 (Heath <br />property, State Road No. 60) was presented to the Board and after carefully considering the <br />same, on m6tion made, seconded and carried, said application was disapproved by reason of <br />population law under Chapter 237461 Laws of Florida. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Glover and <br />ly carried, Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instrde ted to advise Glenn and Hike Smith.that the Board <br />'desired to pay not exceeding the sum of $35.00 per month for the care of the Courthouse lawn, <br />shrubbery, vines, etc, effective July 1, 1947. <br />Sheriff L. B. O'Steen filed the following letters with Douglas Balker, Clerk, and same <br />(were ordered.recorded in'lthe County Commissioners' Minutes Book to be made a part of these <br />minutes: <br />June 26, 1947 <br />Hon. Douglas Baker <br />Clerk Circuit Court <br />Vero Beach, Florida <br />Dear Sir: <br />This is to advise that the appointment of Mr. J. A. Williams, Jr., as Deputy Sheriff <br />of Indian River County, Florida, has been revoked by me as of this date* <br />Will appreciate it if you will file this notice in the proper manner and call same <br />',to the attention of Board of County Commissioners. <br />Thanking you, I am <br />i Yours eery truly, <br />L. B. O'Steen <br />L. B. O'Steen Sheriff <br />LBO'S,7mt Indian River County, Florida <br />