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7/23/2015 9:35:38 AM
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6/9/2015 1:44:43 PM
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393 <br />i' RESOLUTION FIXING .THE BOUNDARIES <br />OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' DISTRICTS <br />IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY' FLORIDA <br />• � <br />WHEREAS, the constitution of the stater-of'Florida provides that there shall be five <br />County Commissioners' Districts in each county and that said districts shall be as nearly as <br />;possible equal in proportion to population and that the Board of bounty Commissioners of the. - <br />- <br />;`respective counties shall from time to time fix the boundaries of such districts; and <br />WHEREAS the boundaries of the County Commissioners' Districts in Indian River Count <br />have not been changed since the creation of such county in the year 1925 and by reasop of the <br />,,present residende of the population of such county, said districts are not as nearly a 'bssiblel <br />!equal in proportion to population and' in fact9 such districts at this time evidence a grossly <br />!unequal proportion to population as between such existing districts; and this Board hay.n .,con -'i <br />sidered its constitutional duty and having considered manners of fixing the boundariesof the <br />County Commissioners' Districts in Indian River County in order to comply with the coRns:-Itution- <br />Ial requirement; and having reached a determination with respect theretop therefore$ <br />is BE IT RESOLVED that the boundaries of the Bounty Commissioners' Districts in Indian <br />i,River County' Florida' bet and the same ares herewith fixed, effective immediately' as follows <br />I <br />'and each of said districts being numbered as stated, to -wit= <br />i <br />County Commissioners' District No. 1 shall be all of the territory within the follow-' <br />,ing boundaries of said District$ to -wits <br />`' <br />Begin at the intersection of the shore line of the Atlantic Ocean and the Seth <br />,boundary line of Section 14$ in Township 31 south, Range 39 East' and thence run West along the <br />Section lines to the Northwest corner of Section 19$ in Township 31 South' Range 38 East; thence <br />;,run South along Section lines to the Northwest corner of Section 7s in Township 32 South$ <br />'Range <br />38 East; thence run West to the Range line dividing Ranges 35 East and 36 East; thence <br />9 <br />run North along said Range line to the'Northeast corner of Township 32 Souths Range 35 East; <br />(thence run Test along the Township line to the Southwest corner of Township 31 Sonth$ Range <br />35 East; thence run North to the Northwest corner of Township 31 South$ Range 35 East and being <br />�Jthe North boundary line of Indian River County; thenceerun along and filowing the North boundary <br />aline of Indies River County$ in an Easterly direction, to the point where such boundary line <br />$intersects the Atlantic Ocean$ and which point is the Northeast corner of Indian River County; <br />thence run in a Southerly and Southeasterly direction along and following the East boundary <br />i <br />llline-of Indian River County to the point of beginning. <br />County Commissioners' District No. 2 shall be all of the territory within the follow - <br />!,Ing boundaries of said District$ to -wit= <br />i Begin on the East boundary line of Indian River County where the South boundary line <br />i <br />'!,of Section 14$ in Township 31 Souths Range 39 East intersects such county boundary line.; thence <br />,;run Southeasterly along and following the East boundary line of Indian River County to the <br />lintersection of the East boundary line of Indian River County/with the North boundary line of <br />;Section 29$ in Township 32 South, Range 40 East; thence run West along the Section lines and <br />!°$continuing to the Range line dividing Ranges 35 East and 36 East; thence run North along such <br />'1Range line to the South boundary line of County Commissioners' District No, is as hereinbefore <br />described• thence run East along and following the South boundary line of County Commissioners' <br />a <br />°District No. 1$ as hereinbefore describeds to the Southwest corner of Section 6s in Township 32 <br />;,South$ Range 38 East; thence run North along Section lines to the Southwest corner of Section <br />,,18, in Township 31 South$ Range 38 East; thence run East and following Section lines to the <br />i"East boundary line of Indian River County (and which point is the Southeast corner of CemAty <br />�,Commissioners'hereinbefore described). - <br />Distric <br />,, t N ©• 1 <br />County Commissioners' District No. 3 shall be all of the territory within the follow- <br />$ <br />�jing boundaries of said District, to -wits <br />
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