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0 <br />1 <br />415 <br />Notary Public bond for Leila dray in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety Company <br />` of New'Yoft as surety was -approved January 179 19489 by Douglas BakerClerk Circuit Court' as <br />provided by law. <br />Notary Public Bond for Grady M. Phillips in the sum of �OOO O with American Surety <br />`ompany as surety was approved February 29 19489 by Douglas Baker` Clerk Circuit CoUrti as <br />;provided by law. <br />Mr. Maleolm:,MaeConnell and Mr. Ralph Estes' a committee representing the'rod and gun <br />;club, appeared before the Board with regard to the propased road to 1314e Cypress Lgke. The <br />'Board stated to the committee that as soon as conditions were favarae they would give the <br />*atter further consideration with regard to constructing said roade <br />County Deeds Nos. 282! 283 were executed by the Board under provisions of Chapter <br />22079* acts of 1943. <br />Mr: Seamon and Mr. Allen from Riomar,, and Eugene Phillips, representing the City of <br />Vero Beachq appeared before the Board with regard to the public road Mich runs darn the <br />jpenni.nsula from the Beachland Boulevard south to the south county <br />It is our understanding from Honorable Alex MacWilliams county Representatives the <br />State Road Department has indicated its willingness to take over the read for managements but <br />they could not do so until the survey had been made of the road witb a definite description of <br />It. After careful considerations it was moved by Commissioner Heltethq seconded by Commissioner <br />gelpling and unanimously carried that the Board have such a survey-`madep and that said survey <br />would cost approximately $300.00. <br />The following was appointed Deputy Sheriff by L. Be O'Steen, Sheriff, and Douglas <br />Baker% Clerks announced that said appointment had been filed with hint. <br />NAME PRECINCT NO. ADDRESS <br />A. A. Sullivan Vero Beach' Florida <br />Deputy Sheriff's bond for A. A. Sullivan in the sum of $1000000 with A. W. Lockwood <br />and Joe -S* Barman as surety was approved. <br />Copy of Resolution adopted by the Felix Popped Post No. 399 Department of Florida <br />ericandLegion giving endorsement to county wide athletic and recreation program as to a <br />I was <br />fico -ordinator to handle the program was presented to the Boardq and Douglas Bakers Clerk,/in- <br />structed to write a letter to Mr. Gibbs stating theBoard'was in agreement with such a program. <br />Application to Garry fire arm of Lester Josephatt Fellsmereq Fleridaq was presented <br />to the Board' consideredg and on motion made by Frank C. Vickerso seconded by Albert O. Helseth' <br />and unanimously carried9 was refused that protection of -property -generally being basis of <br />application is in jurisdiction of municipal and county law enforcement offcialswho have power. <br />to provide all needed..°officers and it does shot appear that applicant handles pay -roll or other— <br />wise needs to harry a weapon. <br />A Certified eopy.of resolution duly adopted by the County Democratic Executive Com - <br />mittee, setting out the;cparty assessments levied against the varIous.candidates. who partiol- <br />pate in the Democratic -primary election to be held Tuesday: May 49 1948, was received and <br />carefully ;noted. <br />The Board then proceeded: to make levies against the various officers to cover the <br />costs of holding such primary elections in_Mayj the assessments -so levied being as foilowel <br />County Judge <br />Sheriff <br />Clerk Circuit Court <br />Tax Collactor <br />Tax Assessor <br />Superintendent of Schools <br />Decmoratic Executive <br />Commitee <br />county <br />30.00 <br />100.00 <br />100*0 <br />100900 <br />1140.W <br />100,00 <br />