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<br />made diligent search and am unable to locate said1rtificate.
<br />(4) That if duplicate Certificate is issued in lieu thereof and the original
<br />should at any time be located, the same will be surrendered to the Clerk of the Circuit
<br />!n Court of Indian River County for cancellation.
<br />(5) That I, Paul Bsrkwell, as a further consideration acknowledge myself held and
<br />!firmly bound unto Douglas Baker, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County, and his
<br />successors in office, in the sum of $10.989 being double the amount of the face value of said
<br />Tax Certificate, for payment whereof well and truly to be made, I bind myself, heirs, exe-
<br />cutors and administrators firmly by these presents should said Certificate be presented by
<br />any person whomsoever, assigned or otherwise, for payment or application for Tax Deed thereon.
<br />I solemnly swear, or affirm, that the statements contained herein in support of my
<br />application for issuance of duplicate Tax Sale Certificate, are true and correct. So help
<br />me God.
<br />Witnesses
<br />..®_
<br />Douglas. A&er
<br />Lei3la Grgv
<br />.. EaA &XIM011- ( SERI. )
<br />Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of February 1949.
<br />®. ila� Gray _
<br />Notary Public,State of Florida at Large.
<br />My commission expires January 1o, 1952. (N..P. SEAL)
<br />The foregoing application coming on to be heard on this date by the Board of
<br />County Commissioners of Indian River County, and after due consideration, the Board having
<br />thoroughly investigated said matter and being fully satisfied that said claim is a valid one,
<br />;It -is considered and ordered, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, toAt
<br />the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County be and he is hereby instructed t issue
<br />a duplicate 'Tax Sale Certificate in favor of the above named applicant in lieu of the
<br />Certificate -above described which has been lost or destroyed, and that proper record of same
<br />Abe entered in the Tax Sale Record in the office of the said Clerk, as provided in Chap1193.59
<br />i
<br />of the Fla. Statutes.
<br />Attests W eves Jr
<br />(CO. COB'S. SEAL) airman,Board of o.Commrs.
<br />N oualas Baker
<br />y Clerk "t® Roard
<br />Aiplfication of Ada Gordon, Vero Beach, Florida, and Alfred Gunder (colored),
<br />Fellsmere! Florida, for admission to the Florida Stats Tuberculosis Sanitarium were approved.
<br />It was ordered Leonard Webb, Route #1, Vero- Beach, Florida, formerlY,vin the Tuber-
<br />culosis sanatorium, Tampa, Florida, receive the sum of $37.50 from the General Revenue Fund
<br />for welfare purposes until the further orders of the Board.
<br />It was
<br />ordered
<br />Bilary R. Webb,
<br />mother of
<br />Leonard Webb, Route
<br />#19 Vero
<br />Beach, Fly da q
<br />almm"k, receive
<br />the sum
<br />of $6.00 per
<br />month from
<br />the General Revenue
<br />Fund for
<br />welfare purposes
<br />until the further orders of the Board.
<br />It was ordered that the hospital account of B. E. Palcho for his wife, Bars. Palcho,
<br />�in the sum of approximately $100.00 be charged to the County, and that Bars. Radin,l Superintends t.
<br />!!of Indian River Hospital, be advised accordingly.
<br />a V
<br />The Board authorized payment not to exceed the sum of $50.00 towards the otos®_:,ef
<br />removed teeth and furnishing a plate for Bars. Patten at Roseland. This was done on motion
<br />of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell. t3 =b
<br />It was ordered C. H..Borden, Winter Beach, Florida' receive the sum of"$12.00 per
<br />