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3/30/2017 1:46:14 PM
Creation date
7/24/2015 2:05:01 PM
Official Documents
Official Document Type
Work Order
Approved Date
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Agenda Item Number
Entity Name
Kimley-Horn & Associates Inc.
Work Order Number 5
5 Laning
37th Avenue US1 to Indian River Boulevard
Project Number
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WORK ORDER NUMBER 5 .L -c <br />37th Avenue (US1 to Indian River Boulevard) 5-Laning 1111 <br />IRC Project No. 1230 <br />This Work Order Number 5 is entered into as of this 2ndday of Jam, , 2015, pursuant to <br />that certain Continuing Contract Agreement for Professional Services, dated November 15, 2011 and that <br />certain Extension and Amendment of Continuing Contract Agreement for Professional Services entered into <br />as of the 4th day of November, 2014 (collectively referred to as the "Agreement"), by and between INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("COUNTY") and Kimley-Horn & <br />Associates, Inc.("Consultant"). <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />The COUNTY desires to expand 37th Street to a 5 -lane urban section between U.S. Highway 1 and Indian <br />River Boulevard. Within the limits of the roadway widening, there will be dedicated eastbound right turn <br />auxiliary lane at the 35th Lane, Indian River Medical Center (IRMC) employee driveway and 10th Court <br />intersections. Signalization improvements/ modifications will be needed at the 10th Court intersection with <br />37th Street to accommodate the roadway widening. <br />In addition, Indian River Boulevard will be widened to provide for dual northbound left turn lanes at the 37th <br />Street intersection. The 37th Street eastbound travel lanes are to be designated as dual right turn lanes at <br />Indian River Boulevard. A single independent stormwater management facility is proposed to be located <br />within Indian River County Hospital District property immediately adjacent to 37th Street, located east of <br />IRMD and north of the VNA Hospice House. <br />The County agrees to provide (in a timely manner) the following material, data, or services as required in <br />connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement; all of which information the CONSULTANT <br />may use and reasonably rely upon: <br />A. Provide the CONSULTANT with a geotechnical investigations, traffic counts, preliminary data or <br />reports available, existing location surveys, topographic surveys, and related documents required <br />to complete the construction documents. <br />B. Provide the CONSULTANT with all available drawings, right-of-way maps, and other documents <br />in the possession of the County pertinent to the project. <br />C. The County shall make provisions for the CONSULTANT to enter upon public and private property <br />as required for the CONSULTANT to perform his services. <br />D. The County will promptly execute all permit applications and provide application and review fees <br />necessary to expedite the acquisition of any local, state or federal permits made necessary by <br />the project. <br />E. The County will pay for all permit fees. <br />The PROJECT LIMITS are projected to extend 6,100 feet along 37th Street and 1,600 feet along Indian River <br />Boulevard for a total project length of 7,700 feet (1.46 miles). <br />
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