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5l0 <br />carried, the Board authorized payment of Race Track Funds in the sum of $209000.00 to the Boardl. <br />of Puklic Instruction when, as and if received after the sum of $55,000.00 have been received <br />by the County for the Road and Bridge Fund. <br />i <br />J!County fire control. After considerable discussion, the Board authorized and instructed <br />' Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, to prepare an act to be -submitted to the current session of the <br />I Legislature. The act authorizes . the Board to establish a county fire control unit this year <br />,in co-operation with the Florida Board of Forestry. Maximum expenditure of the county would be <br />11$4,500 per year. The County is now spending $31600 annually for fire control. <br />Under the new plan, three fire control towers would be erected and each would be <br />j provided with a fire truck. Three men would be assigned to each tower, with radio on ntact i <br />IIbetween the various trucks and towers, and telephone connection with Vero Beach. <br />Estimated cost of setting up the unit and equipment will be approximately $709000, <br />,all to be provided by the State and Federal governments. The project is contingent, however, <br />,upon the appropriation of funds by the legislature this near: <br />Twelve counties in the state now have fire control units, and 19 additional counties, <br />��including Indian River, are requesting units. <br />The Board also authorized and instructed Attorney Charles A. Mitchell to prepare <br />• <br />�iacts to be submitted to the current session of the State Legislature relating to an insurance <br />kpolicy for County employees and an act relating to surplus bridge funds as follows: <br />The hospital and medical insurance plan for county employees would tie in with the <br />"Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. It would be limited to county employees only, thus excluding <br />icounty officets and employees of County officers. <br />It would particularly assist employees of the County road and bridge department and <br />limit the County's contribution to $3 per month for married men and $1.50 per month for singl® <br />,nen. Half the cost of the insurance would be paid by the county, the other half by the <br />!,employees. <br />i Another act would permit the expenditure of surplus funds now in the Quay And,'Vero <br />Beach bridge districts for road and bridge purposes within the area, and including cost of re- <br />moval of portions of the minter Beach bridge as ordered recently by the War Department. <br />Indebtedness of the bridge districts has been paid and a surplus of several thousand <br />aollarat''remains to the credit of these districts, it is stated. <br />Stanley Griffis and Ralph Estes, a committee from the Hods.`%and faun Club, appeared <br />iibefore the Board regarding the Blue Cypress Lake Road. E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Super- <br />Alntendent, advised the committee it would be a month or "six weeks before construction of said <br />- <br />;road could be started. <br />It was ordered Henry DeWitt, Deputy Cheriff, be paid the sum of $200.00 from the Fine <br />and Forfeiture Fund for services rendered the County in the prevention of the forest and all <br />Wnedessary fire within the County. <br />The Board authorized C. E. Strait, Janitor, to purchase a new sweeper for the Court <br />Hous®. <br />County Deed No. 292 was executed by the Board under provisions of Chapter 220799 <br />i <br />haws of Florida. <br />i <br />p Application for transfer of beverage license No. 21 from George J. Hammond to George <br />J. Hammond and Oliver 0. Ellis, "Blue Latern Cocktail Lounge", 2046 Commerce Avenue, was <br />approved. <br />On motion Commissioner #elpling, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, and <br />carried, the Board authorized payment of Race Track Funds in the sum of $209000.00 to the Boardl. <br />of Puklic Instruction when, as and if received after the sum of $55,000.00 have been received <br />by the County for the Road and Bridge Fund. <br />i <br />