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01/08/2014 VAB
01/08/2014 VAB
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/29/2018 3:27:24 PM
Creation date
8/20/2015 9:30:05 AM
Meeting Type
Value Adjustment Board
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Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Value Adjustment Board
Board of County Commissioners
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Statutes, Sections 194.301, 104.034(2) and 104.035(1), stating there is not a lot of structure in <br />the rules, and in Chapter 194. The intent is to provide an expedited inexpensive process to get the <br />petitions heard, and the goal is to have them heard, processed through the system, and if <br />somebody is still unhappy with the decision, they then take their argument to Circuit Court. <br />Vice Chairman O'Bryan continued reading State Law regarding cultivating non-native <br />plants, and a non-native species permit. He deemed that the real reason that the bees were on site <br />was for the sole purpose of gathering nectar from Brazilian Pepper, which will propagate more <br />Brazilian Pepper seeds, which are on the Florida noxious weed list, and he did not see that as a <br />bona fide agricultural operation. Het opined that the owner was generating income to satisfy a <br />nexus of a bona fide Ag operation. He could not see how having two properties commercially <br />zoned in the City of Vero Beach and being used for agricultural purposes could be allowed based <br />on the City's code and permitted uses, and if the whole point is to get bees on the property to <br />propagate and feed on Melealuca and Brazilian Pepper, he did not feel that they have met the <br />nexus. <br />Chairman Davis believed for the sanctity of the Ag exemption, it was extremely <br />important that they find this business to be there for a legitimate agricultural purpose. He <br />commented on Vice Chairman O'Bryan's concerns, and whether the agricultural operation had <br />to own the property to be a legitimate operation for use, and what would uphold in a court of <br />law. He could not make the connection on leasing the property out. Secondly, he affirmed that <br />honey can be produced from those plants mentioned. In regards to Petition 2013-005 and 2013- <br />006, he assessed the situation to be no different than abiding by the County's Codes where it is a <br />violation to have cattle on residentially zoned property. Based on that, he believed that the <br />commercial zoned properties in the City of Vero Beach would be in violation of the City's code <br />by pursuing an Ag exemption on those properties. <br />Discussion ensued by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, agreeing with Chairman Davis that you <br />can lease out your land and still get Ag exemption, but he was concerned with the lease structure, <br />and the income to the owner being negative. He believed the lease was set up to pay out a fee, <br />4 <br />
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