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L 8. AUTHORIZE AND APPROVE THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE THE REVISED <br />TAX IMPACT NOTICE AND CERTIFICATION FORMS (PURSUANT TO F. S. <br />193.122) - TABLED <br />A. Tax Impact Notice DR -529 for Tax year 2013 34 <br />B. Certification Form DR -488 Real Property 35-36 <br />C. Certification Form DR -488 Tangible Personal Property 37-38 <br />(Clerk's note: This item was tabled until after the Board receives the Alternate Special <br />Magistrate's recommended decision for approval at the Board's Third Final Meeting.) <br />9. PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Attorney Zahniser said she hoped she would be able to do an educational outreach for the <br />VAB on the American Bee Company. She thinks that everyone had the impression that this was <br />a tax scam, but she said they are really doing something incredible. She spoke briefly about the <br />American Bee Company. <br />School Board Member Johnson voiced that she has respect for Ms. Zahniser's passion, <br />and she explained that this Board is not comprised of experts, but they do have certain legal <br />parameters that they need to operate within. She asked Ms. Zahniser not to think that she is being <br />dismissed. <br />VAB Attorney Hancock addressed Ms. Zahniser's concerns regarding the availability of <br />her witnesses at the second hearing. He advised her that the evidence from the first hearing will <br />be given to the Alternate Special Magistrate, so she did not have to engage all of her witnesses <br />for the second hearing. <br />Adam Locke, co-founder of the American Bee Project, declared that he was surprised <br />that nobody brought up the colony collapse disorder at the first hearing. He asked the Board to <br />learn about colony collapse disorder and what we, as human beings, can do about it. <br />Ms. Zahniser added that she was not aware of any lawyer on the taxpayer side that has <br />litigated as many cases on agricultural classifications as she has. <br />VAB Attorney Hancock advised the Board to disregard any statements that may pertain <br />to the current Petitions and their qualifications for the agricultural classification. He understood <br />what Attorney Zahniser was trying to say, but he did not want the VAB to apply that to the <br />Petitions that are coming back for approval. <br />VAB SECOND FINAL MEETING Page - 6 - <br />FEBRUARY 6, 2014 <br />