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7/23/2015 9:36:28 AM
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�J <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />7 <br />__. <br />BE IT RESOLVED, that the respective election and registration districts, voting <br />places or precincts in Indian River County, Florida, are herewith altered, changed, created <br />and fixed and the boundaries thereof determined and defined and designated by number and the <br />'most suitable place in each district established as a voting place or precinct, at which <br />voting place or precinct there shall be a polling place as follows, to -wits <br />ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 1 <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Government Lot 2, Section 19 Township 31 <br />South, Range 38 East and the Fleming Grant line, run Southwest along the said Grant line to <br />the Sebastian River; thence Northeasterly along the center of the Sebastian River to the <br />Indian River; thence Southerly along the Indian River shore to the South line of Section 25, <br />Township 30 South, Range 38 East the same being the North City limits of the City of Sebastian; <br />thence West along the Section line to the Fleming Grant line; thence Southerly along the <br />Western City limits of the City of Sebastian to the point of beginning. <br />Florida. <br />That the voting place or precinct in said Election District shall be and is Roseland, <br />ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 1-A <br />Beginning at the -Northwest corner of Township 31 South, Range 35 East, run East <br />along the North County line to the West line of the Fleming Grant; thence Southeast along <br />the Fleming Grant to the Range line between Ranges 37 and 38; thenc4South to the Southwest <br />corner of Section 62 Township 32 South, Range 38 East; thence West to the East line of <br />Section 11 Township 32 South, Range 35 East; thence North to the Northeast corner of said <br />Section 1; thence West to the Southwest corner of Township 31 South, Range 35 East; thence <br />North to the point of beginning. <br />That the voting place or precinct in said Election district shall be Fellsmere, <br />Florida. <br />ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 1-B <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 259 Township 30 South, Range 38 East, <br />run West along the Section line to the Fleming Grant line; thence Southerly along the West <br />City limits of the City of Sebastian to the Northeast corner of Government Lot 11 Section 1, <br />Township 31 South, Range 38 East; thence Southwest along the Fleming Grant line to the <br />Sebastian River; thence Northerly along the center of the Sebastian River to the North line <br />of Township,31 South; thence Nest on the Township line to the Fleming Grant line; thence <br />Southeast al©nFleming Grant line to the. West line of Township 31 South, Range 38 East; <br />thence South to hk_Southwest corner of Section 189 Township 31 South, Range 38 East on the <br />Section lines to the Atlantic Ocean; thence Northerly along the shore of said Ocean to the <br />North line of Township 31 South, Range 39 East; thence West to the Nest shore of the Indian <br />River; thence Northerly to the point of beginning. <br />That the voting place or precinct in said Election District shall be Sebastian, <br />Florida. <br />ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 2 <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Township 31 South, Range 39 East; run West <br />of the Southwest corner of said Township 31 South, Range 39 East; thence South along the <br />Range line to the Southeast corner of Section 11 Township 32 South, Range 38 East; thence <br />West along Section line to the Southwest corner of Section 69 Township 32 South, Range 38 <br />East; thence North along the Range line to the Northwest corner of Section 199 Township 31 <br />South, Range 38 East; thence East on Section lines to Atlantic Ocean; thence Southerly along <br />the Atlantic Shore line to point of beginning. <br />That the voting place or precinct in said Election District shall be Wabassol Florida. <br />
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