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VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD <br />RESOLUTION 2009-01 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY VALUE <br />ADJUSTMENT BOARD SETTING THE 2009 FILING FEE TO BE PAID <br />TO THE CLERK OF THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD (VAB) <br />WHEREAS, Florida Statute 194.013(1) authorizes the Value Adjustment Board to <br />determine the amount of the filing fee to be paid to the Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, F.S. 194.013(1) sets a maximum on that filing fee at $15.00 for each <br />separate parcel of property, real or personal, covered by the petition and subject to appeal, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: <br />1. The filing fee to be paid to the Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board for filing <br />petitions pursuant to Florida Statute 194.013(1) shall be set at $15.00, for each separate parcel of <br />property, real or personal, covered by the petition, and subject to appeal during the 2009 year. <br />2. There shall be no filing fee for appeals from disapproved homestead exemption <br />applications, or from the denial of homestead tax deferral. <br />The foregoing resolution was offered by Board member Debbie MacKay, who moved its <br />adoption. The motion was seconded by Board member Joseph Flescher, and upon being put to <br />the vote, the vote was as follows: <br />Peter D. O'Bryan <br />_Aye <br />Joseph E. Flescher <br />Aye <br />Debbie MacKay <br />Aye <br />Rose Spytek <br />Aye <br />Duane Weise <br />Aye <br />2 <br />