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Land Acquisition Bonds — 2004 Referendum <br /> Total debt service expenses are budgeted at $4,537,636 a decrease of ($212,893), or (4.5%). <br /> The decrease is due to savings from refinancing the bonds during the current year. The millage <br /> rate is 0.3315, a decrease of 10.3%. This millage decrease combined with a small increase in the <br /> General Fund provides a decrease in the countywide millage rate that returns the refinancing <br /> savings to the taxpayer ($217,000/year). <br /> Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) <br /> NOTE: The Solid Waste Disposal District and Enterprise budgets are presented in accordance with <br /> Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP), As a result, capital and principal debt service payments <br /> are not included and depreciation is reflected. <br /> The total proposed SWDD budget is$13,137,435, an increase of$1,452,207 or 12.4%(page 39). <br /> Proposed residential assessment rates are increasing 28.4% to $102.61 per Equivalent <br /> Residential Unit. Commercial rates will also increase to $35.55 per Waste Generation Unit <br /> (W.G.U) up 4.4%. The proposed readiness-to-use fee is$19.96 per W.G.U, an increase of 3.0% <br /> from last fiscal year. The proposed Landfill Disposal of Ash Residue and Related Materials Not <br /> Suitable for Production of Ethanol rate is$19.31 per ton, an increase of 1.3%from last fiscal year. <br /> The State is requiring SWDD to achieve a 75% recycling rate by 2020. In accordance with the <br /> SWDD Master Plan, the District is changing from the current dual - stream recycling program to <br /> single-stream recycling in order to make progress towards the 75% rate mandated by the State. <br /> This change has resulted in higher recycling collection costs($750,000)which are offset by lower <br /> garbage collection costs (down 35%) for unincorporated area residents who subscribe to the <br /> franchise services. <br /> Single stream recycling processing costs are higher than dual stream due to additional sorting of <br /> materials. Lower net revenues were anticipated as a result of the single stream. Over <br /> the last year, however, recycling market rates have dropped dramatically across the board. This is <br /> due to the drop in oil prices as well as other economic factors. These changes result in an <br /> additional net cost of$875,000 for SWDD. <br /> It should be noted that the anticipated cost to process SWDD's recyclables is greater than the cost <br /> to landfill them at current market rates. This additional expense has essentially been mandated by <br /> the State since SWDD will not achieve the 75% recycling rate based upon status quo operations. <br /> Landfill operation costs are increasing as well due to a contractual CPI adjustment and increased <br /> tonnages during the current year ($300,000 impact). <br /> The solid waste industry is currently undergoing several disruptive changes. Staff anticipates that <br /> this trend will continue. SWDD will likely need to make adjustments for future changes. One area <br /> of concern is construction & demolition (C&D) debris. This is the largest revenue stream for <br /> SWDD other than assessments. SWDD has long been the primary processor of C&D waste in the <br /> County. A new provider has recently begun operations,which may impact SWDD's C&D revenues <br /> going forward. <br /> 12 <br />