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If the above proposition is acceptable to the Board of County Commissioners and they can <br />obtain a release from Mr. Sptizley it will be satisfactory with me for the County to proceed <br />with the clearing of the right of way whenever they are ready. <br />Yours very truly, <br />R. S. EDSALL <br />The foregoing letter was received and presented to the Board,and on motion by <br />Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Woods and unanimously carried, Mr. Edsall's <br />proposition was accepted, and the Board instructed Attorney S. N. Smith, Jr., and E. E. <br />Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent, to work out the final details. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board <br />then adjourned. <br />'IJESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1950. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court #ouse in <br />regular meeting at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, September 5, 1950, with the following <br />members present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Aubrey L. Waddell, Tom N. Stewart and <br />Sylvester Woods. Abaent: H. C. Watts. Also present were: S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney; <br />E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge tuperintendent;L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, <br />Clerk. <br />The minttes of the previous meeting'were read and approved. <br />County Deed No. 315 was executed by the Board under Chapter 194, Florida Statutes, <br />1941. <br />The following was appointed Deputy Sheriff by L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff, and Douglas <br />that said <br />Baker, Clerk, announced' appointment had been filed with him. <br />NAME <br />P. O. Clements <br />PRECINCT NO. <br />4,A <br />ADDRESS <br />Vero Beach, Florida <br />Deputy Sheriff's Bond for P. 0. Clements in the sum of $1,000.00 with St. Paul <br />Mercury Indemnity Company as surety was approved. <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to issue arWarrant on the Road and Bridge <br />Fund in the sum of $500.00 to Luster M. Merriman, said warrant to be held in escrow until <br />final deal with Herschel Auxier is completed for burrow pit with regard to State Road #512 <br />which is the road north from Road #60 to Fellsmere. <br />c' <br />The foregoing was authorized upon motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by '✓" <br />Commissioner Waddell and carried. <br />Commissioner Waddell introduced theRfo lowwing Resolution and moved its adoption <br />as follows, to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, is well <br />aware of the employment problems existing in Indian River County, Florida; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT }RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, that this Board does herewith request the Florida State Employment Service to <br />establish a State Employment Office at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida, at the <br />earliest possible date. <br />The foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Stewart and unanimously <br />adopted. <br />