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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7,, 1950. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House <br />in regular meeting at 10:00 A. M., Tuesday, November 7, 1950, with the following members <br />present: Tom N. Stewart, W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Aubrey L. Waddell, Sylvester Woods, <br />and H. C. Watts. Also presentwere E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent; L. B. O'Steen, <br />Sheriff; Marshall 0. Mitchell, Attorney of the firm of Mitchell, Smith & Mitchell, and Douglas <br />Baker, Clerk. <br />Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved upon motion of Commisstoner <br />Waddell seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried. <br />Mrs. S. B. Taylor, representing the Garden Club, appeared before the Board with <br />regard to State wayside parks and stated that Honorable Merrill P. Barber, member of the <br />Departmenttirwould © <br />State Road <br />approve/of such parks for Indian River County provided suitable <br />sites could be obtained. Mrs. Taylor further stated that she hoped that one such park might <br />be located on Road AlA and another on road U. S. No. 1, and that theh.park would be approx- <br />imately one acre in size. Commissioner Woods together with Superintenddnt E. E. Carter were <br />appointed as a committee to approach Mr. H. E. Kjorsvik regarding the Sebastian bridge head as <br />a possible site, and the other property owners would be contacted for the same purpose. <br />Mayor Alex MacWilliam, Councilmen Lou Berger, Carolyn S. Krum and Charles C. Jewett <br />together with Mr. WarrentT. &euch, who represented the Indian River County Fire Protective <br />Association appeared before the Board fbr the purpose of discussing fire control outside of <br />the City limits and requested financial assistance towards supplementing present fire pro- <br />tection, said financial assistance to be used as salary for one of the paid firemen tobether <br />with the maintenance and operation of the fire truck. After considerable discussion and <br />deliberation in the matter, at the suggestion of Chairman Graves it was moved by Commissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart and carried that the County assume maintenance of <br />the fire truck to put same in first class condition and pay for fireman's salary for six <br />months during the present fiscal year, and that the City of Vero Beach would waive the County's <br />alleged present obligation to the City, and likewise the City of Vero Beach would pay the fire- <br />man's salary for a period of six months. The present salary paid the fireman is $220.00 <br />per month. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, <br />S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, was instructed to proceed With condemnation suit as to the E 30 <br />feet of Tract 9, Sec. 7, Twp. 32, Rge. 39 relating to the Lateral A Road, and that the <br />Attorney be further instructed and authorized to file declaration of taking. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, the <br />Board was authorized to purchade.from Elizabeth Hansen ,the W 92 Acres of E 19.2 acres of <br />Tract 13, Sec. 18, Twp. 32, Rge. 39 relating to Lateral A Road for approximate'.price of $80.00. <br />Regarding the Condemnation suit, Indian River County versus Branstetter No. 3172 <br />( two parcels of land on Road AlA) the Board authorized payment to Douglas Baker, Clerk, a <br />sum as stated in the verdict and Judgment after the trial of the case by the verdicts rendered <br />was $310.00 plus $25.11 costs aggregating $335.11. <br />The Board authorized payment to the Election officials and Deputy Sheriffs who <br />conducted the general Election held Tuesday, November 7, 1950, on the following basis: 800 <br />per hour and a•minimum of $4.00. Plus $2.00 to the official delivering the ballot box and <br />miieggar. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were <br />examined and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such <br />bills and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the <br />