<br />TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1950.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in regular meeting at 10:00 A. M., Tuesday, December 5, 1950, with the following members
<br />presents W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; Tom N. Stewart, Aubrey L. Waddell, Sylvester Woods
<br />and H. C. Watts. Also present were E. E. Carter., Road and Bridge Superintendent; L. B.
<br />O'Steen, Sheriff; S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Minutes of the previous meetings were read and upon> -motion of Commissioner
<br />Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, the same were approved.
<br />Notary Public Bond in the sum of $500.00 for Charles 3. Kuster with St. Paul
<br />Mercury Indemnity Company as surety was approved November 17, 1950, by Douglas Baker, Clerk
<br />Circuit Court, as provided by law.
<br />Notary Public Bond for Alta Graves in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety
<br />1950
<br />Company of New York as surety was approved November 24 by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit
<br />Court, as provided by law.
<br />Notary Public Bond for George A. Kuster in the sum of $500.00 with St. Paul Mercury
<br />Indemnity Company as surety was approved December 11, 1950, by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit
<br />Court as provided by law.
<br />Notary Public Bond for C. A. Routh in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety
<br />Company of New York as surety was approved December 2, 1950, by Douglas Baker, Clerk
<br />Court, as provided by law.
<br />County Deeds Nos. 319 and 320 were executed November 27
<br />Chapter 23831, Acts of 1947.
<br />The Board authorized payment in the sum
<br />for Mr. Mohan.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried,
<br />the Board authorized the following payments: Morrell Memorial Hospital, Lakeland, Florida,
<br />the sum of $59.39 balance due for hospitalization for Robert Newman; also Good Samaritan
<br />Hospital, West Palm Beach, Florida, the sum of $146.15 for hospitalization for James T.
<br />Hopkins, deceased.
<br />Clerk,
<br />Douglas Baker/ reported a refund in the sum of $56.31 from Mrs. Chaistain
<br />which had been paid for medicine and professional services for her children. Sade was
<br />ordered placed in the General Revenue Fund, and Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to
<br />write a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Chastain for this refund.
<br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, advised the Board that there was $30.00 deposited in an
<br />account which represented proceeds of bonds and coupons received in payment of taxes, and
<br />that said account had been inactive for a number of years, and that Mr. Fred D. Ballou,Auditsr,
<br />suggested same be transferred to the General Revenue Fund, and same was authorized by the •
<br />Board.
<br />glasses
<br />Circuit
<br />1950 as provided under
<br />of $25.00 to Mrs. L. H. Viniledge for
<br />eye
<br />At the request of County Judge Otis M. Cobb, the Board approved purchase of type-
<br />writer -for the County Judge's office which which was done upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried.
<br />County Commissioner's Bond for Jessie J. P. Hamilton in the sum of $2,000.00
<br />with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company as surety was approved.
<br />County Commissioner's Bond for W. C. Graves, Jr., in the sum of $2,000.00 with
<br />St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company as surety was approved.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried,
<br />Chairman Graves was authorized to select the necessary personnel for a trip to St. Augustine
<br />or Jacksonville, or both,' regarding rights-of-way on Road U. S. No. 1 County to pay expenses
<br />