Surety Bond for Sam D. Smith as Member Board of Public Instruction, Indian River
<br />County, Florida, in the sum of $2,000.00 with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company as surety
<br />was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for J. R. Graves as Member Indian River County Mosquito Control Board
<br />in the sum of $5,000.00 with U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company as surety was approved and
<br />filed with Douglas. Baker, Clerk Circuit Court.
<br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were
<br />examined and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such
<br />bills and accounts being on filCin the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the
<br />Warrants so issued from the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book,
<br />as provided by the rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so
<br />recorded beingmade a part of these minutes.
<br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disburse-
<br />ments of the various funds, which having been audited were found to be correct.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board
<br />then adjourned.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />1-7/
<br />ERIC
<br />cLLA14,
<br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1951.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in regular meeting at 10100 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, January 2, 1951, with the following
<br />members present: W. C. Graves, Jr., H. C. Watts, Tom N. Stewart, Aubrey L. Waddell,
<br />and J. J. P. Hamilton. Also present were E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent;
<br />L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; Douglas Baker, Clerk, and Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney from the
<br />firm of Mitchell, Smith & Mitchell.
<br />S. N. Smith, Jr. called the meeting to order. There being no old business to be
<br />considered at this time, the Board then proceeded in the order of new business. On motion
<br />of Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, the Board elected to
<br />select the Chairman for the ensuing year by secret ballot with the understanding that a majority
<br />of votes would elect, and in the event any one member did not receive a majority on the first
<br />ballot that it would be necessary to vote again, and also with the understanding that S. N.
<br />Smith, Jr., Attorney, would check the ballots.
<br />n On the first ballot no one member received a majority; however, on the second
<br />ballot Commissioner.Graves received two votes and Commissioner Stewart received three votes
<br />and was thereby elected Chairman to serve for the ensuing year.
<br />Chairman Stewart then took over the chair. The next order of business was to elect a
<br />Chairman pro -tem, and Commissioner Graves was nominated by Commissioner Waddell, and Commission-
<br />er Waddell was nominated by Commissioner Graves who stated that he did not think it necessary
<br />for a secret ballot to be taken for the election of a Chairman pro -tem. Chairman Tom N.
<br />Stewart then called for a vote on the two nominees. Commissioner Waddell receivednone vote,
<br />and Commissioner Graves received three votes and was thereby elected to serve as Chairman
<br />pro -tem for the ensuing year.
<br />Application for the position of Road and Bridge Superintendent was presented by
<br />Mr. Frank A. Knight; however, no action was taken -in the matter.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner -Waddell and carried,
<br />