<br />1
<br />1
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<br />�n
<br />Published Weekly
<br />NOTICE
<br />—
<br />Vero Beach, Indian ,River County, Florida Notice is hereby given that Sgveri}i
<br />H. Hanson and Helen Hanson,his ,wife,
<br />have filed a Petition with the Bo�rd of
<br />(County Commissioners of Indian 'River
<br />STATE OF FLORIDA iCounty, Florida, requesting said Board
<br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: to adopt a resolution closing,vacating
<br />and abolishing all that part of Cherokee
<br />Before the undersigned authorityStreet lying more than 40 feet Mn each
<br />personally appeared J. J. Schumann, who Aside of a line described as follol#s:
<br />on oath says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a weekly 1. Beginning at a Northwest
<br />37 orne feet .
<br />� from the Northwest earner! o£ ,
<br />newspaper published at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached Block 19, according to the Town
<br />Plat of Wauregan, which point i4 on
<br />the. West line of said Block, thence
<br />running East on an interior "gle
<br />copy of advertisement, being a `1—�__—�_ -- with the West line of saidBloclI of
<br />90 degrees 12 minutes for a s-
<br />tan'ce of 280.8 feet to a point, th9 ce
<br />on a tangent line to a point on the
<br />in the matter of � � - �4�r Wast` line of Lot said point being
<br />th
<br />122 feet South of the Northwestdor-
<br />ner of Lot 11, except, however,
<br />• Manatee Avenue, Brevard Avenue �
<br />and Wauregan Avenue; all accdrd-
<br />- ing to the plat of Wauregan, as!;re-
<br />corded in Plat Book* 1, pages 178
<br />and 179, in the office of the Clerk of
<br />the Circuit Court of St. Lucie Cqun-
<br />-_ _ in the —_ �________ .Court, was pub- ty, Florida, now situated in Indian
<br />River County, Florida; 1
<br />,and requesting said Board to renounce
<br />Said newspaper in the Issues of _-------- I Cherokee
<br />r he plat blit i a right
<br />that pa or uaid
<br />and
<br />fished in,�----------------- – for the public in and tq that part of said
<br />okee Street delinated on said
<br />p- d !high-
<br />way.'
<br />`lic
<br />hearingSther thereon o'clock PubM.
<br />— _ 4 on October 9, 1951, in the office of said
<br />Boardof Y »!I tioners In the
<br />b Indian River County Courthouse, e, I Vero
<br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press Jo th 4 ed at
<br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that fieald til ore Beach, Florida.
<br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, n*das4ift. � art ` Q Persons interested may appea and
<br />as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Bead, ip Eadiall Gri be heard at that time..
<br />for a period of one year neat preceeding the first publicatiottip$ att{ASt eop� etri SIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER
<br />and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor paosd ,a person, itaeYnY drt a raki(tin COUNTY, FLORIDA
<br />any discount, rebate: commission or refund for the the Ad d (Sealy
<br />publication in the said newspaper. L , By: TOM N. STEWART,
<br />s� u�� Chairman.
<br />_ t
<br />Sworn to and subscribed before me 020
<br />this - a day of • '
<br />A. D.
<br />I �
<br />Clerk of the Circuit Court, Indian Inver County, Yrforidi
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Commissioner Waddell introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption,
<br />as follows, to -wit:
<br />R E S O L U T I O N
<br />BE IT ..RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida,
<br />that this Board does herewith find and determine as follows:
<br />1. That Severin H. Hanson and Helen Hanson, his wife, filed a Petition before
<br />this Board on the 4th day of September, 1951, at a meeting of said Board, requesting this Board
<br />to adopt a Resolution closing, vacating and abandoning the road or street and renouncing and -
<br />relinquishing the rights of Indian River County, Florida, or the public in and to all that part
<br />of Cherokee Street lying more than 40 feet on each side of a line described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point 37 3/10 feet from the Northwest corner of Block 19,
<br />according to the Town Plat of Wauregan, which point is on the West line
<br />of said Block, thence running East on an interior angle with the West
<br />line of said Block of 90 degrees 12 minutes for a distance of 280.8 feet
<br />to ' a point, thence on a tangent line to a point on the West line of Lot
<br />11, said point being 122 feet South of the Northwest corner of , lot 11,
<br />except, however, Manatee Avenue, Brevard Avenue and Wauregan Avenue; all
<br />according to the plat of Wauregan, as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 178
<br />and 1?9, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie
<br />County, Florida, now situated in Indian River County, Florida.
<br />2. That this Board has published Notice thereof one time in the Vero Beach Press -
<br />Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in Indian River County, Florida, said publication
<br />being published at least two weeks prior to the date stated therein for such public hearing.
<br />3. That that part of said Cherokee Street described above delineated upon said
<br />recorded map or plat above described is not a State or Federal road maintained by the State of
<br />Florida and that said street, road or highway delineated on said recorded map or plat is not
<br />located within the incorporated limits of any municipality and is located in Indian River County,
<br />.Florida.
<br />