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<br />then adjourned.
<br />• •
<br />ATTES •
<br />CLERK
<br />--W ---------------------------------- M ----------------------------- M ----------------- W ---- M----
<br />FRIDAY,
<br />-W----------------------------------------------------------------M-----------------W---------
<br />FRIDAY. -DEC EMBER 2$. 1951
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in special meeting at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Friday, December 28, 1951 with the following members
<br />present: Tom N. Stewart, Chairman;.W. C. Graves, Jr., H. C. Watts, J. J. F. Hamilton and Aubrey
<br />L. Waddell. Also present were Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney; E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge
<br />Superintendent; L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Chairman Stewart announced this meeting was called for the purpose of discussing
<br />and considering Rights of Way problems relating to Road U. S. #1, and such other business as
<br />might be properly brought before this Board.
<br />Judge L. M. Merriman, State Road Right of Way Attorney, was present and the Board
<br />did discuss road rights of way matters relating to U. S. #1, and committees were appointed to
<br />take action as to several matters and problems.
<br />Mr. E. M. Becton, representing the Mosquito Control District, appeared before
<br />the Board and requested sufficient space at the grounds of the County barns for the placing of
<br />equipment owned by the Indian River Farms Drainage District under shelter, and discussed with
<br />the Board the possibility of a savings to the citizens and tax payers of the County by working
<br />together with the Board, notonly in providing shelter and space for said equipment, but also re-
<br />garding maintenance and repair work of the equipment. The Board received this request and sug-
<br />gestion with favor, and upon motion of Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and
<br />unanimously carried, E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent, was appointed by the Board to
<br />work with Mr. Becton along the suggested lines and also that they contact members of the Indian
<br />River Farms Drainage District Board in order that a similar arrangement be made with them.
<br />Chairman Tom N. Stewart presented to the Board his resignation to become effec-
<br />tive not later than December 31, 1951 and stated that the reason for doing so was that he plan-
<br />ned to move from the District which he represented to another part of the County. Mr. Stewart
<br />further stated that it had been a real pleasure to cooperate with the Board and had the satis-
<br />faction of feeling that all the Members together had done a great deal for the County. In con-
<br />nection with his resignation, Chairman Stewart also stated that Mr. Allison Warren would be ap-
<br />pointed to fulfill his position to become effective January 1, 1952•
<br />County Commissioner,'b bond for Miles Allison Warren in the sum of $2,000.00 with
<br />U. S. Fidelty and Guaranty Company of Maryland, as surety, was approved.
<br />Notary Public bond for Agatha B. Snyder in the sum of $500.00 with Lumbermen's
<br />Mutual Casualty Company, Chicago, Illinois, was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court,
<br />December 8, 1951 as provided by law.
<br />Notary Public bond for Kay A. Daily in the sum of $500.00 with American Fire and
<br />Casualty Company, Orlando, Florida, was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, December
<br />129 1951, as provided by law.
<br />There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
<br />Board then adjourned to meet at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Friday, January 4. 1952 for the next regu-
<br />lar meeting in lieu of Tuesday, January 1, 1952, which is New Year's.
<br />