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2/20/2017 4:06:46 PM
Creation date
10/16/2015 3:27:58 PM
Ordinance Number
Adopted Date
Agenda Item Number
Ordinance Type
Land Development Regulations
State Filed Date
Entity Name
Coastal Management
Code Number
Chapter 901 and Chapter 932
Sea Turtle Protection
Lighting Regulations
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ORDINANCE 2015- 015 <br />outdoor lighting for real property, if lighting associated with such construction or development <br />can be seen from the beach, shall be in compliance with the following: <br />(a) Floodlights shall be prohibited. All exterior light fixtures on the seaward <br />or shore -perpendicular sides of buildings, or on the landward side of buildings if the <br />fixtures are visible from the beach, shall be fitted with heeds shields and directed <br />downward so that no light directly or indirectly illuminates the beach. Such lighting <br />shall be lamped with a long wavelength light source, such as amber or red light <br />emitting diodes (LED), low pressure sodium, or true red neon. It has been <br />recommended by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission that no <br />such light source emit light below 560 nanometers (nm). <br />Pole lights shall be shielded in such a way that light will not illuminate areas other than the <br />specific property boundaries of the subject site and shall not directly or indirectly <br />illuminate the beach or dune area on the seaward side of the pole. Outdoor lighting shall be <br />held to the minimum necessary for security. and eonvenience. <br />(c) Low -profile downward directed luminaries, with shields if necessary., shall be used in <br />parking lots, and such lighting shall be positioned so that no light directly or indirectly <br />illuminates the beach. <br />(d) Dune crosswalks shall utilize low -profiles shielded downward directed luminaries so that <br />no light directly or indirectly illuminates the beach. <br />(e) Lights on balconies shall be low -profile, shielded and downward directed fitted- th <br />hoods so that lights will not directly or indirectly illuminate the beach. <br />Tinted or filmed glass shall be used in windows and glass doors faeing-the-ocean within <br />line -of -sight of an observer standing anywhere on the beach on single and multistory <br />structures. <br />(b) <br />(f) <br />(g) <br />Temporary security lights at construction -sites shall not be mounted more than fifteen (15) <br />feet above the ground. Illumination from the lights shall not spread beyond the boundary of <br />the property being developed, and in no case shall those lights directly or indirectly <br />illuminate the beach. <br />(3) Beachfront lighting approval. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any new <br />development within view of the beach, compliance with the beachfront lighting standards set <br />forth in this ordinance shall be approved as follows: <br />(a) Upon completion of the construction activities, the building contractor shall provide <br />written certification to county staff that the beachfront lighting standards of this <br />section have been met, and the county staff shall conduct a site <br />inspection • .. • _ .. ' _ _ . . : to <br />verify the contractor's certification. <br />(b) <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />Strike -throes Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />M:\LDR\932.09 sea turtle lighting amend \2015- Sea Turtle Lighting LDR Amend adopt version for 9-22-15.doc <br />2 <br />
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