<br />Superintendent; and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of the previous meetings were tread and the same approved upon motion;
<br />of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, and carried.
<br />Messrs. Zeuch and Oliver, representing the Zeuch Insurance Agency, appeared be-
<br />fore the Board and requested a portion of the County's Insurance business. They were advised
<br />the Board would consider the matter and see what could be worked out.
<br />Mr. Tom Trent, speaking for and in behalf of Doug Silver of WIRA, stated that in,
<br />order for a local broadcasting station to be established to Vero Beach, some land, approximately
<br />350 feet square, would be required and requested the County to sell or lease some County land
<br />for said purpose for a period of five or ten years. After discussion and consideration, motion
<br />was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and unanimously carried, that
<br />the Board would agree to a five year lease provided satisfactory terms could be agreed upon be
<br />tween the interested parties.
<br />Mr. Norris Leggett, County Ranger, appeared before the Board and reported as to
<br />the work and progress which had been made by the Florida Forest and Park Service of Indian River
<br />County and further stated that he was very much pleased with everything in general and that he
<br />was receiving good cooperation.
<br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, Cgunty Welfare Case Worker, appeared before the Board and
<br />made a report of her activities for the month of January, 1952, and said report was filed with
<br />the Clerk.
<br />Otis M. Cobb, County Judge and Juvenile Court Judge, appeared before the Board
<br />and made a report for December, 1951, and January, 1952, as provided by law, and said report
<br />was filed with the Clerk.
<br />A report from Dr. Kip G. Kelso, Director County Health Unit, relating to rodent
<br />survey (rats) and same was filed with the Clerk.
<br />Application for duplicate tax sale certificate #1980, sale of July 31, 1942, cov.
<br />wring Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Citrus Park Subdivision, by Mrs. Alice Lee Pfarr was approved.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried,
<br />the Board authorized "Notice Inviting Bids" on a Ford pickup.
<br />The following was appointed Deputy Sheriff by L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff, and Douglas
<br />Baker, Clerk, announced said appointment had been filed with him:
<br />Marvin L. King, Jr. 5 Vero Beach, Florida
<br />Deputy Sheriff's bond for Marvin L. King, Jr. in the sum of $1,000.00 with St.
<br />Paul Mercury and Indemnity Company as surety was approved.
<br />At the request of Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, and upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, the Board authorized the purchase of a
<br />new adding machine for the Tax Collector's Office to cost approximately $525.00, less the dis-
<br />count of $52.50 and less trade-in allowance for old machines in the sum of $82.50, or a net of
<br />$390.00.
<br />A memorandum dated February 8, 1952, by Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, advises
<br />the Board that under the authority of the correction of an Act (Section 125.08) of the 1951 Leg-
<br />islature made by the Attorney General, the County may now make purchases not exceeding $500.00
<br />without advertising.
<br />Reports of receipts, expenses and net income for the twelve months period ending
<br />the 31st day of December, 1951, were filed with Douglas Baker, Clerk, as required by law, by the
<br />following Officers:,
<br />1
<br />1
<br />40
<br />1
<br />0
<br />1
<br />1
<br />i
<br />