Surety Company of Now York as surety, was approved June 21, 1952, by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit
<br />Court, as provided by law.
<br />Application of Ethel Paris, Rt. #1, Vero Beach, Florida, for admission to State
<br />Tuberculosis Sanatorium was approved June 22, 1952•
<br />M. A. Boudet, County Agent, appeared before the Board and requested $200.00 be
<br />appropriated in the 1952-1953 budget to be expended on behalf of the 4-H Club as traveling ex-
<br />penses for live stock judging teams and for attending camp and State Fair, together with cost
<br />of transportation of movie films which are shown during the year in connection with this work.
<br />Mr. Boudet also stated that he needed a typewriter desk and would appreciate the
<br />Board purchasing same for his office, and also requested that $300.00 be appropriated as hereto-
<br />fore for the State Fair at Tampa.
<br />The Board agreed to appropriate the $200.00 for the 4-H Club and $300.00 for the
<br />State Fair and advised Mr. Boudet they would give consideration to the request for the typewriter
<br />• desk.
<br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker, appeared before the Board and
<br />made a report of her activities for the month of June, 1952, which was received and filed with
<br />the Clerk.
<br />The following were appointed Deputy Sheriffs by L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff, and Douglas
<br />Baker, Clerk, announced said appointments had been filed with him.
<br />John J. Wegenka 4 Vero Beach, Florida
<br />L. W. Vann 4A Vero Beach, Florida
<br />Deputy Sheriff's bond for John J. Wegenka in the sum of $19000.00 with the Home
<br />Indemnity Company of New York as surety was approved.
<br />Deputy Sheriff's bond for L. W. Vann in the sum of $1,000.00 with the Home Indem-
<br />pity Company of New York as surety was approved.
<br />Chairman Graves announced the Board of Public Instruction had given the Board of
<br />County Commissioners an old school bililding to be used as a County medical center and that same
<br />Was to be moved to the location just east of the V. F. W. building, said location having been
<br />recently purchased from J. M. Barnes.
<br />After consideration and discussion of the matter, and upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, the Board agreed to expend not to exceed
<br />$5,000.00 from surplus race track funds for the moving and improving the said building.
<br />Chairman Graves then appointed a Committee consisting of E. E. Carter, Alice
<br />Helleso, Anne Christensen, S. N. Smith, Jr., and Bill Taylor to prepare a sketch or inside plans
<br />for the building.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Watts, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried,
<br />the Board agreed to name the building the "Leila M. B3ankley Health Unit" in honor of the long
<br />years of faithful and efficient service rendered to Indian River County by Miss Run kley a for-
<br />mer County Nurse and/or Welfare worker.
<br />A letter requesting the temporary closing of the old County road leading South
<br />from the north east corner of Government Lot 2, Section 10 Township 32 South, Range 39 East,to
<br />the north line of the south 354 feet of Government Lot 3, Section 129 Township 32 South, Range
<br />39 East, signed by Frank Pollock, Herbert J. Knudten and Fred R. Tuerk was received.
<br />After considering the above request,the Board, upon motion of Commissioner Warren,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, agreed to give permission to place a gate on both
<br />ends of the road as heretofore mentioned or described, with the understanding that at the proper
<br />time the Board would exchange rights -of -wap deeds with the parties at such time as the right-of-
<br />