<br />1
<br />TRAY OCTOBER 13, 1925.
<br />pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, met at the Court House, Vero Beach, Florida, on October 13th, 1925, with the
<br />following Commissioners present: John H Atkin, Chairman; George A. Braddock; D.Forbes;
<br />0. 0. Heleeth and J. W. LaBruce. Also present was biles Warren, Clerk.
<br />On motion duly made, seconded and carried by unanimous vote the following reso-
<br />lution was adopted:
<br />RESOLVED, that the United States Mortgage & Trust Company of New York N.Y. is
<br />hereby appointed fiscal agent for payment of Principal and interest of $490,000. Road
<br />and Bridge bonds of Special Road and Bridge District lo. 4 of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, dated July 1st 1925, due serially July let 1926, to 1955 interest payable
<br />Janaary let and July let for ehioh service we agree to pay a semi-annual commission of
<br />1/4 of 1¢.of the amount of Intesat paid and 1/20th of 1% of the amount of principal
<br />paid,or if the funds forthe payment of principal and interest of this issue of bonds
<br />are deposited 20 days prior to the maturity of sane, the above mentioned commission
<br />charged is to be waived.
<br />On motion duly made, seconded and carried by unanimous vote, the following
<br />resolution was adopted:
<br />RESOLVED, that the several bonds of William Atkin; Freeman L Knight and F.W.
<br />Rodenberg, Trustees for $490,000. bonds of Special Road and Bridge District No. 4 of
<br />Indian River County, Florida, in the penal sum of $25,000 each, with Royal Indemnity
<br />Company, on each of said bonds as Surety, be and each of said bonds are hereby •
<br />approved as to their form and sufficiency of Sureties.
<br />There being no further business on motion duly made, seconded and carried the
<br />Board then adjourned until Thursday October 15th 1925.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />4,4 Awpmf.nv
<br />C 1 e r k.
<br />Zeh firman.
<br />THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15th 1925.
<br />Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, met at the CourtHouse in Vero Beach on October 15th 1925 with the following
<br />members of the Board present: John H Atkin, Chairman, J. 1. LaBruce; George A Braddock;
<br />Donald Forbes and 0. 0. Helseth. Also present was Wiles Warren, Clerk.
<br />Notary Public Bond of H. D. Cockrell in the sum of $500.00 with the Royal Indemnity
<br />Company as surety was approved.
<br />Notary Public Bond of L. A. Moeller, in the sum of $500.00 with the American Surety
<br />Company of New York, a corporation was approved.
<br />Notary Public bond of Eula Rippee in the sum of $500.00 with the American Surety
<br />Company of New York, a corporation, as surety was approved.
<br />The Constable bond of Donn A. Keifer in the sum of $500.00 as Constable District
<br />No. 5 with Axel T Peterson, Edward P. EnCorkle, Otis Y. Cobb and Eli C Aker, as sureti a
<br />was approved.
<br />The Pension application of Yrs D. W. Carter, widow of •.T.Carter, a Confederate
<br />Soldier was approved.
<br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the County Engineer be and he is hereby
<br />instructed to as quickly a s possible begin at the end of the asphalt paving on the
<br />........,x.it:.w..er.
<br />