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Amor,- VellariaNPUBSO <br />43 <br />1 <br />The several bills against the County were examined, having been audited and were <br />found correct, and warrants issued in settlement of <br />from the several funds of the County is as follows: <br />same. rhe amounter so expended <br />General Revenue fund ;7414.00 <br />Fine & Forfeiture Fund 897.63 <br />!toad and Bridge Fund 5051.81 <br />kothers Pension Fund 158.00 <br />Interest & Sinkinf Fund 16961.44 <br />Spec R & b Diet No.1 (Int&&ink)2160.00 <br />i'ublicity Fund 500.00 <br />• The several County Depositories filed their monthly statements showing amounts <br />received, warrants paid and balance on hand for the month of November. The following <br />ie the amount on hand in the several Depositories of the County: <br />General Revenue Funds 634,446.72 <br />Fine & Forfeiture Fund 3,462.70 <br />Road & Bridge Fund 7,502.12 <br />Agricultural Fund 958.18 <br />Time Warrant Issue of 1925 30,094.71 <br />Mother's Pension Fund 383.50 <br />Publicity Fund 565.61 <br />Spec R & b Dist No.1 tint &S.nk)31,580.04 <br />Interest & Sinking Fund 25,279.51 <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried the board <br />adjourned until the next regular meeting in January 1926. <br />e r <br />'!MDPT, AWAIT 5th, 1926.. <br />The Boar` of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, <br />met at the Court Hous in Vero 'leash, on Tuesday January 5th 1926 at 10 o'olook A.Y. <br />with the following members of the Board present: John H. Atkin, Chairmen, O. 1. <br />Bradlee!; J. W. bsiruae; Donald Forbes and 0. 0. Helseth. Also present were Hiles <br />Varren, Clerk and J. W. tonight, Sheriff. <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />Ike County Judge filed his report oS real estate liaenss consisted showing <br />$858.00 for the Stat.,..1,1.00 for the. Aral Notate Board and $2'r.50 collected ter <br />the Cy. _._. •........ -. <br />A sommaaioation having been • reeeived from Okeechobee County offering 41041 <br />ILiOariMmth flet all sosnty prisoners, it was ordered that all prisoners of Indian liver <br />'County big lensed is Okreehobee Coemely ea mush basis. <br />the Deputy Sheriff bend of Elliott Bey Lithe vas of $1,000.00 with <br />Doman end O. F. Green as sureties was approved. <br />Ike rotary rtblis bond of 4. 2. Obmetesd is the sum of 4500.00 with Use Larissa'` <br />Wear Compay, * vorpoatiea of New Yost, as surety was approved. <br />The hatary Pnblie Mart of Wens fads in the sum of 4600,00 with the emeries* <br />onset Celermy, s corporation of New York as sureties:: approve*. <br />David:Wen. et4 5 'owl Street it. Petersburg, Flseida, tile* a bill with the <br />' x toy repairs to Carillss automobile- in whish he alleged the Mage was sassed <br />by County load !rust. It was ordered that the bill be rejected. <br />;Vie following load Cognates Deport was tiled, real and approved: <br />IMMLISMECISILSIM <br />u'* lo,.. <br />