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2 <br />58 <br />56i6_:._:r�.i. _ <br />rt IMI, BARDS 2nd, 1926. <br />The Hoard of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, llorida, set <br />all the Court Rouse im Tero Desch, on Tuesday, larch 2nd, 1926, at 10.09 osclock A. L <br />with the following use hers of the Board presents John H. Atkin, Chsirsans J.V. Lscsrucs <br />and 6. A. Braddock. Absents Donald loves and 0. 0. Helseth. <br />Ales present were Niles Ferran, Clerk, by Deputy, and J. W. Knight. Sheriff. <br />The minutes of the Regular meeting held February 2s$, 1926, and Special moot- <br />ing held February I3tioswers read ani approved. <br />B;r. J. B. Carleton, of Roseland, Florida, appeared before the Board, request- <br />ing read free Sebastian, connecting up his Subdivision directly lest of Sebastian. and <br />no artier was tsksm in the natter at this meeting. <br />It was ordered that F. S. Parsley be paid $40.00 per month for relief. <br />The Deputy Sheriff Bond of Rffis Toirot be rejected, for the reason that the <br />emetics thereon are County Officers. <br />. The Bond of lessee A. Dailey, Bond to Carry Firs Aa, with P. Chas. Gifford. <br />waw <br />and Lewis Barris, as Sureties, as approved. Melo/ad/for Smith and Weston Revolver 32- <br />20 Factory te.116666. <br />She following Rosi Petition wets received and filed, <br />ROAD 1211TION. <br />STATS 07 FLORID& <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIAS <br />TO SHS BONORIDIS BOARD 07 COMM comainome 0? SAID COUNTY' <br />Sentiment <br />We, the undersigned, citizens of the County of INDUSRITER, State of PLORI1i[, <br />rs,postvully represent that the necessities of the public require a County Read to bs <br />laid net as felluy tswits <br />Resineite ate point deers stats Dowd so.4 crosses the Section Lias between <br />Sections 26 sat 36: Twp. US; R. 5911; Thence lest on the above line to the lediaz liver <br />I* miles, mere or less= The shoos described line being the senor line <br />Said Reed to be not less teem Thirty feet in width. <br />le therefore petition your honorable body to saes to be laid out and ppeaed <br />a County Road as above described, and we, the owners of the lend throvgh dzioh said Nomad <br />is sought is be laid out, in consideration of the sun of one dollar to u each end sever <br />•al2t inland paid by the salt Sestets of IMC,( ! w -u i , the swsip! of rhish is <br />hereby asbnssledjsd, herely agree to give the right-ef wry throegh our isnds, as ohms <br />1y the plat ssp■pen yiag this petition, and reldasish all elates for Amigo by massa <br />thereat. <br />It vias .erred 'Jest 126 Walker. J. D. Rdvards end D. Z. leisbsr, be appointedto view, mut out said read and report/this Deard. <br />The several bills against tbs County were eotnaimsd, and snditsd were found <br />terms' and warrants issued is settlement of sass. The amount ss drawe,frma the respeet- <br />in funds is as Mimes <br />9111211614 NSTJ➢NA FWD <br />PINS i 70RliIl6lSs JOa <br />ROAD Al BRIEI JQ� <br />lESTEMtell MOM ROM <br />Iffi.2CITY IUD <br />SACS & B DIS! #4 (Dead And) <br />The ssreral 3tpss.rise of the County filed their meathl7 statements of the <br />funds of the County. The balms* ea hand in the said funds is as fellows' <br />ti--.....�I•_ <br />1 <br />F. <br />