�I WHEREAS, the said Department will not begin construction of said portion of, said
<br />Section in said County until title to all land necessary for said portion of said Section has
<br />�i
<br />been conveyed to or vested in said State by said County, and said lands physically cleared of
<br />i
<br />all occupants, tenants, fences, buildings and/or other structures situate upon or encroaching
<br />within the limits of the land required for said portion of said Section; now., therefore, be. it
<br />RESOLVED, that said County, through its Board of County Commissioners, comply wit
<br />the request of said Department and procure, convey or vest in said State the free, clear and
<br />encumbered title to all lands necessary for said portion of said Section, and deliver to the
<br />State Road Department said lands physically clear of all ocupants, tenants, fences, buildings
<br />and/or other structures situate upon or encroaching within the limits of lands required for said;!
<br />portion of said Section, and that the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board be and they are here
<br />by authorized and directed to execute and deliver, on behalf of said County to said Department,,
<br />the contract in the form hereto attached; and be it further
<br />1 ILl'oviivzv, tinaL tine ALLorney Ior Luis noara oe, anu ne 1.5 nereoy auLnorizeu ana
<br />directed tae peed to talo the necessary steps for the Count to acquire in the name of said
<br />I; Y ._ Y P Y q
<br />County by d`'k` ti" n, purchase or condemnation said rights of way and easements for said portion
<br />of said Sec�i�n; and to prepare in the name of said County by its County Commissioners all con-
<br />. !!
<br />demnation papers, affidavits and pleadings, and prosecute all condemnation proceedings to judg-
<br />ment; and said Attorney id further authorized to have prepared at said County's expense, and
<br />furnish to the Department, the abstract search provided for in said contract.
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and f'
<br />carried, the Board agreed to adopt a Resolution to the effect that Lateral
<br />Ijfor more than 25 years.
<br />'I
<br />I
<br />"B" Road had been useo4
<br />i
<br />�I On motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and 11
<br />!carried, the Board agreed to adopt a Resoltuion to acquire right of way from Mr. Kendall on I'
<br />;;King's Highway Road. jr
<br />E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent, announced that title search had beef
<br />i
<br />!I received on Lateral "B" Road from Indian River Abstract Company and same had been given to John
<br />;Gould, Attorney.
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board j
<br />,then adjourned.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1952
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Clerk's Office
<br />as Equalization Board
<br />n Special. Session/at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, August 5, 1952, with the following members jl
<br />1 II
<br />!present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman; H. C. Watts, J. J. P. Hamilton, Aubrey L. Waddell and pi
<br />1! Allison Marren. Also present were S. N. Smith, Jr. Attorney; E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Sup -
<br />I r
<br />,erintendent; L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff; and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Office of the
<br />Or Clerk of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, County of Indian River on this the 5th day of August,
<br />11'
<br />i
<br />i
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />C
<br />1
<br />