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If 777 <br /> If If If <br /> o i . w vo a <br /> 'Ac" <br /> t <br /> of <br /> • <br /> • <br /> Director Boling noted that the current moratorium ends in early January . There is a <br /> possibility it will need to be extended to early February . The master plan should be ready <br /> in May and once we have received the inventory , we will be in a better position to make <br /> recommendations . <br /> Chairman Ginn requested that copies of any reports received be given to her <br /> immediately . <br /> Mr . Lepore then moved to Page 8 , Development Standards , and stated that the current <br /> setback requirements have been included unless they are less than the height of the tower, <br /> in which case they would be increased to the height of the tower . They have also capped the <br /> overall height at 150 feet . <br /> Discussion ensued about the height of the towers and the Federal Aeronautics <br /> Administration regulation of a 200 - foot height . <br /> Commissioner Macht also emphasized the importance of an RF radiation analysis and <br /> supporting engineer ' s sealed radiation pattern , and Director Boling stated that is covered on <br /> Page 14 , Item n . 2 . <br /> Chairman Ginn wanted to be sure that would be an independent analysis paid for by <br /> the applicant, and Mr . Lepore stated that is covered on Page 21 , Section 6 . <br /> Commissioner Macht wanted the addition of a submission of a radiation pattern <br /> sealed by an engineer . <br /> Mr . Lepore then questioned whether the Board wanted to expand the landscaping <br /> requirements and stated that he would supply a sample listing of approved vegetation which <br /> may be used . <br /> Discussion ensued regarding landscaping requirements , and Director Boling noted <br /> that the landscaping requirements apply to all sides of the perimeter of the tower <br /> base/accessory structure . <br /> NOVEMBER 13 , 2001 _ 5 _ <br />