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adopted Resolution No . 2005 - 010 authorizing the filing of <br /> a FY 2004,/2005 grant application for 49 USC Ch . 53 , <br /> Section 5307 Mass Transit Capital and Operating <br /> Assistance . <br /> 9 . A . 2 . PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE NO . 2005 - 002 - <br /> AMENDING SINGLE - FAMILY LOT TREE PROTECTION <br /> REQUIREMENTS (LEGISLATIVE ) <br /> PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE <br /> OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br /> Environmental Planning & Code Enforcement Chief Roland DeBlois reviewed the <br /> memorandum of January 25 , 2005 displaying on the overhead projector the "proposed revision <br /> tree removal exemption . " Staff brought this matter back at the request of Commissioner <br /> Wheeler who proposes that any homesteaded single - family lot of less than an acre would be <br /> exempt from the permitting . Staff also recommended the inclusion of any single - family lot of an <br /> acre or less in a subdivision that was platted prior to 1990 . He explained the rationale for both of <br /> the proposed exemptions . <br /> Commissioner Davis spoke in favor of the exemptions stating his concern was for <br /> an area similar to Vero Lake Estates where a builder might purchase several contiguous lots and <br /> clear them of all trees . He wished there was a way to prohibit that but he has not been able to <br /> find a solution for that . <br /> Commissioner Wheeler .suggested using as the criteria " where water or sewer are <br /> not available " instead of using 1990 . He elaborated on his specification for homesteaded lots . <br /> Mr . DeBlois understood and agreed it was possible to structure the language and <br /> bring the desired result on those lots . <br /> February 1 , 2005 15 <br />