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P &Z Commission could review the proposal before making their recommendation to the <br /> Commission . <br /> Commissioner Wheeler inquired if it is possible for the County to assist in the PD <br /> expense for affordable housing to ensure a good neighborhood . He agreed with Commissioner <br /> Davis and wanted to eliminate small lot subdivisions and wanted to protect affordability through <br /> Habitat for Humanity . He also wanted to eliminate some of the higher density here in the <br /> county . <br /> Director Keating enumerated the costs for a PD . He was not certain the Habitat <br /> neighborhoods actually came up to the PD standards . <br /> As to a subsidy , County Administrator Baird advised the Board would have to <br /> direct the use of ad valorem dollars . <br /> Commissioner Wheeler understood that it would be easier to keep the small lot <br /> subdivisions and somehow tie the requirements to affordability . <br /> Chairman Lowther asked if Director Keating had a recommendation of the four <br /> alternatives . <br /> Director Keating recommended that the small lot subdivision option be retained . <br /> Discussion ensued. <br /> Joe Paladin , Atlantic Coast Construction and Development, Inc . and the Growth <br /> Awareness Committee , reported that his committee has agreed 100 % to "restrict the use of small <br /> lot subdivision ordinance to affordable houses and affordable housing projects only as defined by <br /> Chapter 420 in the Florida Statutes . " <br /> Director Boling advised that staff' s position is to retain small lot subdivisions and <br /> not make them go PD , but perhaps have some type of affordability test . He understood the price <br /> of the unit was initially low, but not necessarily over a long period of time . <br /> Chairman Lowther understood the Board wanted small lot subdivisions but they <br /> want them to be affordable . <br /> Director Boling agreed that was what he was hearing, but the difficult thing is <br /> implementing it, that is , figuring out a way to tie affordability and for how long . <br /> February 1 , 2005 27 <br />