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ex13ebeAse <br />work, because we could not afford them. He announced that staff was working hard to retain <br />another team, and he asked for the public's trust in the no -disclosure requirement while <br />negotiations are underway. <br />"Budget" Jason Brown <br />Budget Director Jason Brown presented an update on the County's budget, explaining <br />what the Board has done to adjust the budget in response to the current economic conditions. He <br />disclosed that based on legislative requirement for a 5% cut-back last year, 125 full-time <br />positions have been eliminated over the last two years; Ad Valorem property tax declined last <br />year, and we are currently experiencing a major revenue decrease in several areas. There is a <br />hiring freeze in place; and there are currently 35 full-time positions that are vacant, which will <br />generate some savings. He said our goal is to try and keep the tax rate low, and he explained <br />how staff is making adjustments in levels of service to keep it that way. <br />"Tax Abatement" as Peter O'Brvan <br />Commissioner O'Bryan clarified that tax abatement was strictly an individual idea he was <br />promoting, and that the Board of County Commissioners has not approved nor voted on <br />He explained that Tax Abatement programs are allowed under the Florida Statutes; a referendum <br />is required to approve the Plan; and they have a ten-year life, so every ten years another <br />referendum would be required to continue or eliminate the program. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan said the program is used as an incentive for new businesses <br />moving to the community or to help existing businesses expand their business operations. <br />Explaining what the program would do for Indian River County, he said it would help put the <br />County in a more competitive position with surrounding communities; and it would help <br />5 <br />February 5, 2009 <br />Economic Summit Workshop <br />II 136 PG 725 <br />