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• <br />them from any other people. They share a love for life and their fellow human beings with <br />all of us. <br />Attorney Steve Henderson, 817 Beachland Boulevard, representing Gen <br />Development, developer of The Preserve, asked that the focus be on land use and not on <br />charitable issues. His client has no bias against handicapped persons but is protesting land <br />use issues. Special exception issues are designed to protect compatibility with surrounding <br />developments, especially adjoining single-family subdivisions. His client is opposed to the <br />design of the project. The entryway to The Preserve is located directly across from this one. <br />The main concern is the facility located on the north side of the project. The applicant owns <br />adjacent acreage between the west boundary of this project and 27th Avenue which is not <br />included in this project. His client believes if the adult care facility could be located on this <br />property it could eliminate any incompatibility. His client has no problem with the single- <br />family residences, only with the 10,000 square foot adult care facility which will be used for <br />offsite clients as well as residents. This will create an impact on traffic that could be <br />eliminated if the facility were located on 27" instead of 5`" 5th Street deadends and is not <br />a through street, but more of a residential street. His client is requesting that the adult care <br />facility be located on 27th Street and that the northern buffer be enhanced to ensure <br />obscuring visibility. His client is also requesting controls on any signage and a condition <br />that issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy be restricted until a certain number of single- <br />family residences are constructed to ensure that the adult care facility is not built without the <br />single-family units. <br />Director Boling commented that a sign permit will be required. <br />MARCH 12, 2002 <br />-61- <br />, <br />• <br />