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alternatives must be found to reduce the cost of the project. Consideration has been given <br />to reducing the size of the pool building and eliminating the fluted block, as well as reducing <br />the size of the activity pool, eliminating the sidewalk, reducing the pavement section in the <br />parking lot. We could also cut back on the overhang and only build one storage building. <br />Commissioner Adams thanked staff for their hard work and expressed her opinion that <br />the funds need to go into the pools. The building plan is very aesthetically pleasing but <br />perhaps some cut backs could be done there. She suggested cutting out the concession stand <br />and having the concessionaire bring in a unit. That would cut a significant portion to allow <br />us to retain the storage and overhang. The main focus should still be providing quality <br />competitive swimming. <br />Paul Dritenbas, of Dritenbas Associates, architect, explained that the concession area <br />is just plumbing and electric and 220 square feet would be the net reduction in the area <br />which was previously about 520 square feet. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Tippin, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Macht, that <br />Construction/Budget Alternative No. 2 be approved, <br />with an absolute maximum expenditure of <br />$5,800,000 (build the Olympic swimming pool with <br />the separate diving well, 7,000 square foot activity <br />pool and related pool building, site improvements, <br />and competition related equipment). <br />MARCH 13, 2001 or, t�;RAN <br />-3 8- <br />