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The existing water main east of the project is asbestos cement pipe (ACP). When the water main east <br />of the project was constructed, it was common to use ACP. One of the undesirable characteristics of <br />ACP is that it is brittle and consequently more difficult to work with than PVC or ductile iron pipe. <br />Another hindrance is that asbestos is the primary ingredient used to manufacture ACP. As such, <br />whenever ACP is encountered it is the policy of the Utilities Department to replace the affected <br />section with either PVC or ductile iron pipe, and appropriately dispose of the asbestos material. The <br />purpose of this developer's agreement is to replace a portion of the ACP and complete the water main <br />loop across the property. Looping the ends of the water main will improve fire flow and water <br />quality. <br />I' Attached is a proposed developer's agreement with CHASE MEADOWS, LLC. for reimbursement <br />of a portion of the new water main and reimbursement of the replaced ACP. The Developer's <br />Agreement is stipulated to reimburse the Developer for the County's share based on itemized invoices <br />of installed materials on a percentage complete basis -less 10% retainage, monthlv with final payment <br />and release of retainage at the time said facilities are dedicated to the County (SC — 1.A of attached <br />agreement). Developer will be required to post a 225% payment and performance bond prior to <br />issuance of Utility Construction Permit (SC — 14 of attached agreement). <br />ANALYSIS <br />Construction costs related with the developer's agreement has been separated into two exhibits. <br />Exhibit "C" summarizes the portion of work requested by the County. The total amount of <br />$129,250.00 will be refunded by the County on monthly draws based on the percent complete. The <br />amount in Exhibit "D" will be funded by the developer with a potential reimbursement of $9,495.00 <br />to be refunded as property owners across the street connect to the water system. <br />As homes are built in the project, homeowners will pay a total of $196,608.00 in water and sewer <br />capacity charges. Construction of the water main will allow the County to coordinate expansion of <br />the water distribution system with development of the site, as well as improve water quality and fire <br />flow in the general area. The County's total share of $129,250.00 will be funded from two accounts. <br />The portion of ACP replaced with PVC ($99,054.00) will be funded from the Renewal and <br />Replacement fund, Account Number 471-000-169-446.00 The portion of water main constructed to <br />complete the system loop ($30,196.00) will be funded from the Capacity Charge fund, Account <br />Number 472-000-169-447.00. <br />RECOMN ENDATION <br />The staff of the Department of Utility Services recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached developer's agreement as presented, and authorize the Chairman to execute the <br />same. <br />MARCH 13, 2001 <br />-47- <br />01% 1 1 1 1 G <br />