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Chairman Ginn added her commendations to the Department. and County <br />Administrator Jim Chandler noted that Emergency Services Director Doug Wright came <br />through bypass surgery with a good prognosis and should be back to work in 2 to 4 weeks. <br />13.A.3. CHAIRMAN CAROLINE A GINN - OUT -OF -COUNTY <br />TRAVEL FOR CHAIRMAN GINN TO TRAVEL TO <br />TALLAHASSEE FOR A MEETING WITH SECRETARY <br />STRUHS OF THE DIVISION OF STATE LANDS <br />REGARDING THE GERSTNER SEAWALL <br />Chairman Ginn commented that the travel may or may not be necessary. Scouring <br />is occurring in the area of the Gerstner seawall and will continue if they are not allowed to <br />complete their construction of that seawall. She requested permission to travel to meet with <br />Secretary Struhs should it become necessary. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Stanbridge, the <br />Board unanimously approved out -of -county travel <br />for Chairman Ginn to travel to Tallahassee for a <br />meeting with Secretary Struhs regarding the Gerstner <br />seawall, as requested. <br />MARCH 13, 2001 <br />-51- <br />