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graders are given hats by ACS which were purchased by a private bequest here in Indian <br />River County. The education program teaches about the prevention of skin cancer because <br />it is now known that there is a direct connection between sunburns and sun damage during <br />childhood and skin cancer later. She also advised that there is an alarming all time high <br />count in the USA for melanoma, the worst type of skin cancer. She urged everyone to take <br />preventive measures for protection of the skin from the sun. <br />6.A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 22 .2003 <br />The Chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the <br />Regular Meeting of April 22, 2003. There were none. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Neuberger, SECONDED BY <br />Vice Chairman Ginn, the Board unanimously approved the <br />minutes of April 22, 2003, as written and distributed. <br />7. CONSENT AGENDA <br />7.A. Report Placed on File in the Office of the Clerk to the Board <br />Sheriff's DUI Impoundment and Immobilization Trust Fund Report - 2°d <br />Quarter FY 2003 <br />NO ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN. <br />7.B. Approval of Warrants <br />May 13, 2003 <br />3 <br />