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9.C.3. SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 4, 2002 TO <br />CONSIDER THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY THE COUNTY OR THE <br />FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION OF $1.5 MILLION <br />MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS AND TO CONSIDER <br />THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY THE FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE <br />CORPORATION OF $12.3 MILLION TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR <br />A LOW, MODERATE AND MIDDLE INCOME HOUSING PROJECT, <br />THE PALMS AT VERO BEACH TO BE OWNED AND OPERATED BY <br />THE PALMS AT VERO BEACH LIMITED <br />The Chairman announced the Notice of Public Hearing as follows: <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida (the "Commission") and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") will <br />jointly hold and conduct a public hearing to be held on June 4, 2002, at the Indian River County <br />Commission Chambers at 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 regarding the following <br />The proposed issuance by either the Commission or the Corporation on behalf of the <br />Commission of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (The Palms at Vero Beach Project) Series <br />[to be determined] in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,500,000 and the proposed <br />issuance by the Corporation of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (The Palms at Vero Beach <br />Project) Series [to be determined] in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $12,300,000 to <br />provide financing for a low, moderate and middle income housing project, namely The Palms at <br />Vero Beach, to consist of 260 units located at the northwest comer of Indian River Blvd. and 12th <br />Street, Vero Beach, Florida (the "Project"), to be occupied by persons of low, moderate and middle <br />income and owned and operated by The Palms at Vero Beach Limited, a Florida limited partnership <br />(the "Owner"). <br />above. <br />All interested parties are invited to present their comments at the time and place set forth <br />Persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decision made at this hearing, they will <br />need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim <br />record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which <br />the appeal is to be based. <br />In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special <br />accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency publishing <br />this notice no later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address given in this notice. <br />Telephone: <br />• <br />Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County <br />General Counsel <br />May 14, 2002 <br />30 <br />O <br />,J <br />