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5 . A . Proclamation Designating May 18 & 19 , 2001 as Relay For Life Days <br /> 9 . 13 . Indian River Homeless Services Council 2001 HUD Application <br /> 10 . A . Amendment to Drug-Free Workplace Program . <br /> There were no other changes to the Agenda . <br /> 5 . A . PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING MAY 18 & 194, 2001 AS <br /> RELAY FOR LIFE DAYS IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AMERICAN <br /> CANCER SOCIETY) <br /> Deferred for one week . <br /> 5 . B . PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AS <br /> A SUN SAFE COMMUNITY (AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY SKIN <br /> CANCER) <br /> Chairman Ginn read the following proclamation . There was no one present to accept <br /> the proclamation . After the meeting was adjourned , Chairman Ginn presented it to Angela <br /> Morgan from the American Cancer Society who was in the audience . <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> DESIGNATING INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> AS A SUN SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> WHEREAS, the American Cancer Society estimates more than one million cases of <br /> skin cancer will be diagnosed in 2001 ; and <br /> WHEREAS , skin cancer, the most common of all cancers , is highly preventable , and <br /> WHEREAS , the American Cancer Society encourages people to develop sun <br /> protection habits when they are young to reduce their skin cancer risk; and <br /> WHEREAS, there is a link between severe sunburns in childhood and greatly <br /> increased risk of melanoma and other skin cancers in later life, and children , in particular, <br /> should be protected from the sun , and <br /> May 8 , 2001 <br /> � r PG 10 <br />