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RS -3, the rezoning of properties zoned RM -3 to RS -3 will result in a continuation of an existing <br />zoning pattern. For land currently zoned RM -4 (Area 2) surrounding properties are zoned RS -6 <br />and RT -6, so the rezoning of that property to RS -6 will result in a continuation of an existing <br />zoning pattern as well. For these reasons, development of the subject property with single-family <br />residential development will be compatible with surrounding areas. <br />Consistency with Comprehensive Plan <br />Rezoning requests are reviewed for consistency with all applicable policies of the comprehensive <br />plan. Rezomngs must also be consistent with the overall designation of land uses as depicted on <br />the Future Land Use Map, which include agnculture, residential, recreation, conservation, and <br />commercial and industnal land uses and their densities. Commercial and industrial land uses are <br />located in nodes throughout the unincorporated areas of Indian River County <br />The goals, objectives, and policies are the most important parts of the comprehensive plan. <br />Policies are statements in the plan that identify the actions which the county will take in order to <br />direct the community's development. As courses of action committed to by the county, policies <br />provide the basis for all county land development decisions. While all comprehensive plan <br />policies are important, some have more applicability than others in reviewing rezoning requests. <br />Of particular applicability for this request are Future Land Use Element Policies 1.11 and 1.41, <br />and Objective 11 of the Coastal Management Element. <br />- Future Land Use Element Policy 1.11 <br />Future Land Use Element Policy 1.11 states that the Low -Density Residential Land Use <br />designations shall be applied to those areas which are suitable for urban and suburban scale <br />development, and shall be limited to lands that are located within the Urban Service Area and <br />near existing urban centers Since the subject properties are suitable for urban and suburban <br />scale development, and are located within the Urban Service Area, the request is consistent with <br />Future Land Use Element Policy 1.11. <br />- Future Land Use Element Policy 1.41 <br />Future Land Use Element Policy 1.41 states that the Board of County Commissioners recognizes <br />that not every zoning district allowed in a land use designation is appropriate for every site <br />within that land use designation. Since the subject properties are adjacent to other single-family <br />areas and are separated from major commercial and industrial areas, single-family zoning is <br />appropriate. <br />-Coastal Management Element Objective 11 <br />Coastal Management Element Objective 11 states that the county will not allow an increase in <br />the density of land use within the Coastal High Hazard Area (an area containing the subject <br />properties). Even though the rezoning request includes a change from RM -4 to RS -6 in Area 2, <br />the maximum yield for dwelling units in regular single-family subdivisions zoned RS -6 is four <br />units per acre; therefore, the rezoning would result in an even swap in allowed density. <br />Consequently, this request is consistent with Objective 11 of the Coastal Management Element <br />of the comprehensive plan. <br />While Future Land Use Element Policies 1.11, 1 41 and Coastal Management Element Objective <br />11 are particularly applicable to this request other comprehensive plan policies and objectives <br />July 9, 2002 <br />30 <br />