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County Attorney Collins explained that where Commissioner Neuberger was reading <br />was concerning the County taking title from abutting property owners. In this case, we do <br />not have the fee title to the property and, therefore, we read the clause before that where we <br />simply hold an easement and the title of the fee owners is freed and released from that <br />easement that we hold. The underlying fee owner is the original dedicator or their heirs, <br />successors, or assigns, which would be Mr. Smith. <br />It was determined that no one else wished to be heard and the Chairman closed the <br />pubhc hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED BY Vice <br />Chairman Ginn, the Board by a 3-2 vote (Commissioners <br />Lowther and Neuberger opposed) adopted Resolution No. <br />2003-121 providing for the closing, abandonment, vacation, <br />and discontinuance of that portion of Orange Street that lies <br />between County Road 510 on the west and 46th Avenue on the <br />east in the Wabasso area of Indian River County, Florida. <br />(CLERK'S NOTEā€¢ Chairman Macht called a short recess at 11:36 a.m. There was previous <br />CONSENSUS that the next item would be 11.C.1. Meeting was reconvened at 11:46 a.m. <br />with all members except Commissioner Adams who was temporarily absent. The next Item <br />heard was 11.C.1. but these minutes follow the agenda order for continuity purposes.) <br />September 23, 2003 <br />32 <br />