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the list of committee vacancies and qualified applicants (pages 80 and 81 of the Agenda Packet), <br />and requested the Board appoint the committee members to the appropriate vacancies, or defer <br />the appointments. He informed the Board that David Washington had applied for numerous <br />committee vacancies, but prioritized the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee as his number <br />one choice. <br />There was a brief discussion among the Commissioners pertaining to the committee <br />vacancies and qualified applicants. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Davis, <br />SECONDED by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, to appoint: <br />(1) David Washington to the Affordable Housing <br />Advisory Committee; (2) Louis C. Schacht to the <br />Agricultural Advisory Committee; (3) Duane M. Wiese as <br />Engineer, and Bryant Jenks as Code Administrator, to the <br />Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals; (4) no <br />applicants to the Economic Development Council; and (5) <br />Nicholas Rains to the Enterprise Zone Development <br />Agency. <br />Commissioner Solari spoke to the difficulty of the Affordable Housing Advisory <br />Committee making a quorum at their meetings. He suggested contacting the State to see if there <br />could be a small -County exclusion from this committee, do away with the committee, and have <br />staff send any necessary reports directly to the Commissioners. <br />Discussion ensued as to whether there would be another committee that the Affordable <br />Housing Advisory Committee could fall under, such as the Housing Authority or a non-profit <br />organization. <br />January 24, 2012 14 <br />Bt 141 PG 923 <br />