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1 <br />1 <br />by the .District from the first available funds to be received on account of taxes <br />levied for the year 19ZI. <br />It was ordered that a road be constructed under the direction and supervision <br />of the County Engineer at the expense of the trabasso Bridge District from the East <br />end of the Bridge across the peninsular to the ocean. <br />It was ordered that the County Nurse investigate the case of Mrs.J.E.Evans, <br />of Fellsmere who has applied to this Board for relief. <br />The Clerk announced that the 'State Comptroller had sold X17,000.00 Liberty loan <br />onds of the Farmers Bank & Trust Company for the sum of §17,902.99. It was ordered <br />that the following funds be credited with the a=unt, <br />General xevenue nand..... 3,855.89 <br />Fine & Forfeiture Fund... 3,650.12 <br />Road & Bridge Fund....... 250.12 <br />Agricultural Fund........ 31409.43 <br />Interest &;inking :Fund..'. 991.23 <br />Road #4 int & sink....... 36.79 <br />Road #4 Bond Fund........ 52709.41 <br />$179902.99 <br />such amounts as placed to the respective funds, being the balance on hand in the Fanners <br />& Trust Company, at the time it closed its doors January 27th 19271, of all the funds, <br />except Road #4 Bond Fund, and the amount so credited being the balance of the money left <br />on hand and credited to such account. <br />It -was o xdered that the County .engineer and Commissioner DaBruce, grade road <br />a distance of 1-3/4 miles from Ditch 7 .to Main Canal and erect a bridge across the <br />Canal at Fellsmere. <br />It was ordered that the Board adjourn, until Saturday July 9th, 1927. <br />SAITJRDAY JULY 9th 1927. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, ±K met in the office <br />the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, in the County of Indian Rivera on this <br />9th day of July 1927, and the following County Commissioners were present: Geo .A.Braddock; <br />J.T.IaBruce; J.J.P.Hamilton; U.O.Helseth and John H.Atkin,, <br />The Board continued to sit as a Board of equalizers of Taxes, zxd with the Tax <br />ssess•or, for the purpose of hearing complaints and receiving testimony as to the value <br />of any property, real, personal or mixed, as fixed by the county Tax Assessor of taxes <br />for assessment for taxes for the year 1927, and the Board having heard further from <br />those Who appeared for that purpose, and the Tax .Assessor aiad the members of the Board <br />aving fully discussed the statements and facts as presented decided to let the <br />assessment as prepared. remain as it now stands, and the Board declined to make any <br />change in the assessment roll for taxes for the year 1927. <br />The Tax books being ready to be returned to the Tax Assessor for the purpose of <br />extending the taxes thereon as provided by law the Board of County Commissioners took <br />p the matter of making an estimate of the necessary expenses for the fiscal year, from <br />etober lst 1927 to the 30th day of 'September 1928, and having considered the receipts <br />stimated by the Clerk and the valuation of the property of the County as shown by the <br />ssessment rolls prepared by the Tax Assessor and having given full consideration to the <br />eeds and necessities of the County and the requirements for the different purposes to <br />eet the expenses during the said fiscal year, have determined and do hereby declare <br />e following to be the expenses and all special and extra -ordinary expenses contemplated <br />or the fiscal year next ensuing and for which the revenue f o r the year 1927 from ad, <br />rem taxation and the estimated receipts from other sources will be available: <br />